
May 27, 2004 03:32

Well, I didn't quite make it to Linguistics this morning. I just didn't feel like going, so I didn't go. I dragged myself out of bed around 1:30, ran a DCP scene with spreadnparanoia on IM, and played LUNAR most of the afternoon. I'm just about to go into the Grindery outside of Vane. I couldn't get Jessica's damn Bromide! The stupid freaking guide forgot to tell me to do the turning-the-boat-around thingy in Lann the first time.....grrrrrrr. Anyway, scantily clad beastwomen aside, I'm now even more sure of my conclusions about Laike.

Sam and I got dinner from Sashimi Sashimi after watching Letter From An Unknown Woman, our very last Classics & the Cinema movie. I spent most of it handwriting, in longhand, a journal entry that I haven't quite completed, but I just needed to do something and the light was too dim to read by, so journal entries it was. I discovered that there is something oddly soothing about writing things out by hand sometimes. I think typing is kind of impersonal, and also too easy, for some things. Of course I'll type it up later, but writing it longhand has made me think about it a lot more. More effort goes into the process of creating the words, and so what I was writing was brought home to me a whole lot more. Which it probably needed to be. It's about some things that I just flat out haven't dealt with. But enough rambling about that, I'll ramble in the appropriate entry.

At any rate, after the movie and acquiring dinner, we came back here and Sam played Legend of Dragoon for a while, then we watched Run Lola Run with pooka_madness (calhin was here for the first third or so of it as well). It was definitely an interesting movie. Then while we were hanging out afterward, Ganon climbed onto Dana's desk and was drinking water from his assigned water glass and poking his paw into it and pushing the glass about on the desktop. As Eben said, "He thinks he's people." It's definitely true--Ganon's more interested in people food and people drinks than any other cat I've ever owned.

In other kitten news, Ganon's claws are once again sharp as all flying hell, which is highly unfortunate. I took a long hot shower tongiht and the tub had some standing water, which I shrugged at--Ganon has taken to playing in the bathtub, but I figured it'd be safe for now. Wrong! Kitten hops right into the tub, comes flying out with his paws, legs, and a bit of belly fur wet. Well, being me, I flipped out, because I was terrified that he'd get too much leftover conditioner chemicals in his fur and lick it off, so Dana and I had the adventure of trying to rinse the kitty off. It worked out tolerably well, poor baby cried and squirmed like mad, but we got him rinsed and wrapped up in a towel and dried off some. Then I turned him loose and he ran behind the futon to bathe himself, but about 15 minutes later all was forgiven. He jumped back on the futon to finish his bath, and let me pet him and brush him, so I guess he's all right. Precious little darling!

So I've done my peer editing for Classics--the first paper was really rough and kind of lame, and I was perpetually distracted by minor grammatical errors, but the second paper was very smooth and flowed quite well. Very well done overall. I shudder to think what I'll get back on mine! *giggle*

To-do list has been duly updated to reflect the things that have been completed and the things that yet remain:

  1. Do last Linguistics reading and take online quiz (due Friday 28 May)
  2. Write 6-8 page Linguistics essay (due Tuesday 1 June)
  3. Rewrite 3-5 page Classics essay (due Thursday 3 June)
  4. Write outline of Knights Templar paper (personal goal for finishing: Tuesday 1 June)
  5. Write intro and first 5-6 pages of Templar paper (personal goal for finishing: Wednesday 2 June)
  6. Finish Knights Templar paper (due Monday 7 June)
  7. Make arrangements for a photographer for graduation pictures and to get my hair done, because my mom, much though I love her, is a psycho
  8. Find vet for kitten, and take kitten to said vet
  9. Ask Dad for more money -.-;;;

Oh, sweet Lord. And Dillo Day is Saturday, when all of campus (especially me) will be drunk off their asses, plus Monday is the last game of my Mage campaign (*sniffle, sniffle, sob*) and then Reading Week One-Shots, and.....aaaagh! *cry* I don't want college to be over! I don't wanna write final papers! Why aren't my papers due finals week instead of goddamn reading week? Whyyyyy? *screech*

OK, now I've got that out of my system....I think I should probably try to sleep. Writing more tomorrow.

Oh yeah, LOL, had this conversation at the movie tonight where Eben pointed out that everything that ever happens in my life goes in this journal, and George agreed, and Sam was like "Unless it's something very personal, then it just ends up in vague poetry." And it's true, but only recently have my journal entries gotten a lot more....is "historical" the word I want? Looking back at my earliest entries, a lot of them are just emotional ranting rather than actual content--expressions of feeling I just had to vent. Of late I've felt compelled to set down the things that have happened in any given day. I don't really know why that is, but I guess it doesn't really matter. I had the thought tonight of starting to keep a paper journal for really personal things (see above for my babble on handwritten entry-like things) but I know I wouldn't really keep up with it; besides, I'm too obsessed with the sense of community that is LiveJournal for me to give it up. Maybe I'll start keeping one specifically for the most personal things--things that will end up in private entries on this journal, but so that I have an easier method of reference for myself. Then again, this sounds like one of those projects that I will start and never finish, becuase I just am like that.

Waaaaay too much babbling, I'm going to finish my orange soda, find my fuzzy purring nighttime cuddly creature, and get some sleep!

good times, ramble, video games, cats!, lunar

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