
Mar 29, 2004 18:08


Been a good few days. The weather is absolutely fucking glorious. Yesterday was wonderfully warm--in the 70s, which in Chicago in March is a huge heat wave. When Dana and I headed to Chipotle for lunch I literally stood in the sunlight, tilted my head back, raised my arms to the sky and declared "Ostara, Goddess of the spring, I worship you." And today was a little cooler, but still glorious. I walked back from Tech savouring the powerful sunlight, and even though it cooled off this afternoon I still managed to walk to my seminar in a light shirt and an open leather jacket. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I got the parking thing with B&A figured out--basically cause we paid our rent early it went on as a credit in February and not in March, whatever, it's sorted now.

First day of classes today. My linguistics class looks like the be-all and end-all of boring classes. Language, Politics, and Identity in the Balkans, and apparently it's not even flufftastic like I was hoping it would be. My paper should be interesting though, I'm going to write on the influence of Celtic languages on Celtic-fringe nationalism in the British Isles. Fuck knows after the last two quarters with Heyck I have the background for it, so it'll be pretty easy I hope.

My history class, on the other hand, seems badass. I've got a paper topic already for my 15-20 page research paper, which makes life easy, and the reading schedule seems nice and light. Also this guy I've had multiple other classes with, James (not suspiral), is in it with me, which is cool. We ended up arguing today that different societies place different cultural emphasis on historical events--America is a present-oriented society, as compared to Ireland where history becomes a nationalist mythology that is completely central to the culture, at least according to Heyck in the Modern Ireland course which is the last class I had with James. It was fun arguing that and knowing that we had the same background for making that argument.

The room in which my history seminar is taught has one bad feature. The window (in front of which the prof is seated) looks out over the lake. Every time I looked at the prof today I got distracted by the absolutely gorgeous view. There's all this incredible blue water, which gets deeper in colour as you stretch toward the horizon, and it's edged on the "bottom" (from my perspective 5 stories up) with evergreens and the thin skeletons of winter-stripped trees. The sky today was also a damn incredible shade, deep blue overhead fading to nearly white at the horizon. I was just in awe. Made it very hard to concentrate on what Prof. Collins was talking about. -.-;;

Bought books for most of my classes today. Need to get one online and still have to pick up the coursepacks, but that'll be easy. Even if I end up paying for all my coursepacks (which I probably won't) my book total will not exceed $200, which is probably real good news for my Dad. Why, do you ask? Because I have a single, small book and a coursepack for Linguistics; Dana already owns most of the books for our shared Classics and the Cinema class and is willing to share, and I paid for the others and will share; and 90% of the reading for my seminar is online, the rest being in the coursepack or that one book I have to purchase through B&N. I paid $50 at Norris today and probably won't spend more than an additional $75 all told. It's most excellent.

Anyway, that's my day thus far. Now I'm going to purchase that aforementioned book off B&N and prepare for fun evening plans.

*sings to herself and drifts off*

scenery, classes

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