Oh, wow.

Nov 13, 2003 02:01

AnteaterAdvance: yeah
AnteaterAdvance: i need some naked pictures of david boreanaz
AnteaterAdvance: it's for
AnteaterAdvance: uh
BeatrixIceQueen: research?
AnteaterAdvance: an...art.......project...
BeatrixIceQueen: share 'em with me while you're at it.
AnteaterAdvance: yeah.
AnteaterAdvance: i was hoping you could help me find them
BeatrixIceQueen: lol
AnteaterAdvance: oh ye of much buffy-universe-knowledge
BeatrixIceQueen: what, because I normally look for Angel pr0n?
AnteaterAdvance: no
AnteaterAdvance: i know your stash consists mostly of james marsters
BeatrixIceQueen: what stash?
BeatrixIceQueen: come search my computer, I invite
AnteaterAdvance: links, love
BeatrixIceQueen: if I had James Marsters pr0n on my computer I wouldn't be talking to you, I'd be masturbating.
BeatrixIceQueen: XD
AnteaterAdvance: ;-)
AnteaterAdvance: no you wouldn't, you claim to not do that.
AnteaterAdvance: emphasis on claim
AnteaterAdvance: :-D
BeatrixIceQueen: well I don't
AnteaterAdvance: if you DID
BeatrixIceQueen: but dammit
BeatrixIceQueen: yeah
BeatrixIceQueen: stuffy stuff
AnteaterAdvance: i'd be all 'THAT'S MAH GIRL!'
BeatrixIceQueen: fuck i'm so fucking horny, and you're not making it any better, you twit
AnteaterAdvance: i am too
AnteaterAdvance: what do you think my last two LJ entries were
BeatrixIceQueen: *quotage*
BeatrixIceQueen: *lmao*
AnteaterAdvance: i kept hinting instead of saying 'HEY [name omitted], LEMME SUCK YOUR DICK."


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