little things

Jun 20, 2016 22:37

An amazing thing has happened. I needed new flats for work (I almost always wear flats; heels if someone yells at me to impress someone else, but most of my heels are for Weddings And Similar Events and get ditched under the table at first opportunity). ANYWAY. Flats are the unloved cousin of the shoe family. So I went to DSW with very low expectations.

For the first time in my memory, flats are apparently an In Thing?? I had choices. My choices did not reduce to "the least ugly thing that happens to fit and also is black." I got two pairs of flats that I like a lot! One is even not black so I can maybe wear different colors! I thought about a third pair but none of the "in" colors were something of which my wardrobe has a sufficient quantity, or else the ones that were did not fit me well.

Also a new pair of running shoes, because I pretty much shop for shoes only when mine fall apart, which means I end up shopping for multiple kinds of shoes at the same time, because shoe-buying is hell. (I have small feet--6 and a half--but occasionally I wear a five and sometimes it's a 7 and my toes get weirdly cranky about shoe-shapes and two-thirds of the shoes in the world are already rubbing my heel wrong by the time I even put them on to try walking, so. It's an ordeal. I frequently have to go through six pair of running shoes to find the one that doesn't rub my heel.)

Anyway, so I did that, and then husband and I watched Ant-Man (fun, otherwise not memorable) and finished off this season's The Blacklist.

Sunday was a quiet day - I played some FF14, and beat a hidden object game on Steam, and ended up going to bed early. And then today was just a Monday--three straight hours in meetings means I had every intention of coming home to wine and video games, but instead I came home to "punched in the face by an atrocious headache," so I watched an episode off the TiVo and then fell over on the couch until paladin got home. He made dinner, which included kobbelwurst (did I even spell that right?), which is a German sausage, with fried potatoes and steamed broccoli.

The funny thing about this particular sausage is that it is larger in diameter than kielbasa, and is white before you cook it. So I, in migraine fog, wander into the kitchen and see this large....white...curled....thing lying in the pan as he's cooking it, and I swear the thing that come to mind is "we are having the White Dragon for dinner." It turns out the White Dragon is way easier to kill here than in FF4-world.

Anyway, so we had sausage while watching an episode of NCIS, and then I wandered downstairs to do my Midsummer ritual, which was not as well planned as I might have liked insofar as I ended up grabbing one out of the nearest book, but sometimes that is the way it goes.

And now I am going to go lie down.

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wicca, shopping

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