
Jan 24, 2016 20:35

I didn't mean to stop posting entirely for a week but my brain is a slowly collapsing pile of goo because I spent like 30 hours in the past 4 days bulldozing through the end of FFX-2, and I have a lot of thoughts about it but that is not what this post is for.

We had a plumbing adventure last weekend, in which the kitchen sink was draining slowly, so I looked up a place on Yelp and called them and they came and did an excellent job, and apparently they also do a lot of drainage work, so when we get around to redoing that I know who I'm going to call. (It also cost basically nothing, by house-repair standards--the last time I personally had to pay a plumber it was over $400, which I mentioned to the guy when he commented on how surprised I was at the price tag, and I explained the $400 situation. He looked incredulous. I commented that perhaps it had had something to do with my very clearly being a teenage college student and unclear of what was going on, and he grimaced and said that he wouldn't be surprised and he was sorry someone had behaved that way. Ah well. Life lessons.)

In better news, in less than a week I will have
seventhe and
goldmare in my house, and I anticipate much laughter and cuddling and wine and treats and video games and just generally a wonderful weekend. I'm vibrating with excitement. Pretty much daily Sev and I are texting each other with I'M SO EXCITED or some variant because it's been over a year since we've seen each other in person (other plans kept falling through) and it will be so great. So great.

I've been thinking a lot today about fandom, and what it means to me and why I feel so disconnected from it lately. I really miss my joyous launch into fandom around 2005, when I met
seventhe and
shanaqui and
owlmoose and so many other people, many of whom I'm still friends with/still in contact with, and...I feel like fandom felt so full of possibility, of exploration and learning and finding and enjoying.

A lot of things have changed since then - I don't miss the internalized misogyny and a lot of the other mess, and those things are good changes! But to an extent I get really worried about posting fic, or meta, or really anything, because I am so worried I'm going to fuck things up and hurt someone's feelings, and yes okay that is totally my own neurosis talking, but I miss when this was fun. I miss that a lot. I'm not sure where to find it again.

(Though I do have a lot of new ideas from FFX-2, and that's a fandom I don't think I've ever touched before and I only barely touched FFX, so maybe it won't have as much baggage for me.)

For now I'm curled up on the couch, flanked by two sleepy cats, watching the Panthers destroy the Cardinals (hell YES). It's been a decent week and a good weekend, and we're coming up on a short week. Life is pretty good right now, albeit cold.

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1136955.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

fandom, house stuff

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