wait it can't be almost Monday again already

Aug 30, 2015 20:37

Sunday again? Where did the time go?

It was mostly a quiet week, though there've been some shakeups at work. It's not anything I didn't see coming, per se, but it's still a little unsettling. I'm trying not to think about it too hard.

We did some more work on the basement today - paladin finished with the re-hanging of drywall and mudding and painting etc, so tonight we dragged all the boxes from what will be the craft room into the room that's half storage, half my Pagan space. The craft-room-to-be still needs some drywall hung and painted, but that's a small thing, relatively. So now I need to go shopping for stuff for my space! I know some of what I want but I'm having the worst time deciding on something to use as an altar and it's making me slightly crazy.

In other news, I finished playing Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan, which is an Artifex Mundi hidden-object game based on "The Wild Swans," which is one of my favourite faerie tales. The game manages to be even more emotionally devastating than the faerie tale itself, which I was not expecting, but it was really fun and quick - I whipped through the main game twice (once on Normal and once on Expert) and the extra mini-chapter in about 8 hours with all achievements, which is a nice--ha--achievement.

Last night paladin tried out our grill with some marinated prime rib skewers and sweet corn, which was delicious, and we watched Guardians of the Galaxy. It was fun and entertaining, but not especially my type of movie (though there are definitely characters that *are* my type, which begs the question.)

I haven't been feeling very well today, and I'm not sure why, but I slept in late and went back to bed for a couple hours, and I'm feeling a little better now. Enough to be grinding relic drops in FF14. I'm halfway there and running up against the need for the HQ crafted items for Apocalypse. Fortunately there are high level crafters in my FC who love me, and will probably do it in exchange for mats only (but the mats are so expensive aaaaagh. Why am I doing this again? Oh, right, achievements.)

Now, back to leveling up FF9 characters in FF Record Keeper.

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1123978.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

video games own my soul, movies

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