home again

Aug 25, 2015 18:28

I just got back from the annual conference for work, which was the first year where I really felt like every session I went to was relevant to me and my job (as opposed to "I see how this is relevant to the organization as a whole, but not for me specifically.") The presentations were mostly good, with the exception of one person who actively perpetuated a theory that is known to be false and irked me fairly substantially in doing so (coworkers were equally irked, so at least it wasn't just me.)

I drove down with my boss on Sunday--it's about a 3-hour drive--and actually stayed for the second day of the conference for the first time in the five years--maybe six? I'm not actually sure right now--I've been going. Usually there's nothing on day 2 that's worthwhile for me to attend, it being primarily composed of stuff for C-suite folks, but this year they actually had stuff my boss and I wanted to attend, so that was pretty interesting. Also made some contacts at other organizations and got to spend a significant chunk of downtime chatting with coworkers in a non-work setting, which was neat. Overall, I work with really exceptional people and it's important to remember that the one or two people who are unfortunately not great are not at all representative.

We drove back today and I called the vet to get an update on the fuzzballs, whom I took in on Saturday for a semi-annual checkup. Both came back clean on blood work and the like--Ganon is borderline for potential thyroid issues for an older cat, but he's not displaying any other real symptoms. He's lost some weight, but that's almost certainly the fact that we moved from a sizable apartment to a much more siable house, the latter with stairs that he zooms up and down like a kitten sometimes, so I'm not too worried about him. Zelda had lost more weight but all her stuff came back clean as well; it's possible that her kitty IBD is causing issues, but we'll see if she keeps losing weight, in which case the vet said there are some other things we can try.

Fortunately/unfortunately, neither of them has a physiological reason for peeing on the couch downstairs, so the vet had some suggestions for both stuff to clean it better than nature's miracle and for some behavioral modifications we can try, so I currently have an email sitting in my inbox with an attachment called "Inappropriate Urination," which amuses me for reasons. We'll see if we can successfully handle this. I'd rather like to get more use out of the downstairs living room.

In other news, I finally got my Novus relic in FFXIV (how, HOW did anyone have the patience to do this multiple times before the nerf? HOW?) and I have a sufficiency of poetics, company seals, and money on me for the next stage, so I'll dawdle through that while I actually advance the plot. And Triple Triad has its hooks in me again, so I have a list of cards I want to play/run things for.

So that's what's happening here. How about you?

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1123676.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

work stuff, cats!

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