there is no life outside your house

May 14, 2015 18:33

Soooooo by Wednesday morning I was not feeling appreciably better, and so when I called in I also tried to make a doctor's appointment. Turns out, you cannot do that at 6 am. So I went back to sleep until 10, then by some miracle managed to get an appointment at my regular practice (not my regular doc, but that's all right.) Diagnosis is "some kind of nasty virus" which I have taken to calling the hell-virus; he gave me a scrip for a steroid pack and an inhaler. I also have a note saying I'm not to go back to work until Monday.

I am now at the super-terrible part of this cold where I'm still exhausted and clearly need to be in bed, but I'm enough better that being in bed is BORING and I'm BORED.

Mostly it has been a cycle of get up for a few hours, sleep, repeat forever. I have been making uneven progress in FF14, mostly on crafting and gathering because it doesn't require reaction time or brain, just point at the thing and click it. I wanted to try writing, but lol what is focus, we just don't know.

Mostly I'm miffed at having to cancel basically all my plans :( this cold has kicked my ass something fierce. When I get sick I don't do it by halves.

So I'll be in my blanket fort, basically.

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