Happy weekend!

Jan 10, 2015 13:50

I sort of spaced out a lot this week because we've been having ludicrous air pressure swings and absolutely awful temperatures (I was very lucky that my husband was willing to drive me to the train for three days when it was too fucking cold for human beings to be outside, i.e. wind chills of -35.) The net result of the air pressure swings was that from Tuesday afternoon until yesterday about 6 pm I had a throbbing headache. I did the "grin and bear it" thing on Wednesday and Thursday, but Friday morning I got to work and looking at my monitor felt like being stabbed through the eyes, so I finished my critical tasks and then went home, where I promptly passed out for four hours on the couch. (Zelda was thrilled.)

Surprisingly enough, I actually managed to sleep at a normal time last night, and most of this week I haven't been up until all hours, unable to sleep. Then again, I haven't been doing much of anything this week except playing FF14, making words, and cooking. It's remarkably soothing to not be running around every single night of the week. who knew. I kind of like this thing where I'm not exhausted all the time, though I do miss hanging out with people. Balance. It's hard.

Otherwise, it has been a pretty solid week for goals; I have written 6 out of 7 days, I beat a game, I'm almost to the plot marker I set myself for FF14, I've been reading Dreamwidth (and commenting!) regularly, I did some work on my outlining goals, I worked out (had to shovel snow twice, like serious business shovel, and I also did a session of yoga.)

I made a new recipe, too: mexican chicken soup, which came out much heartier and chunkier than I expected from looking at the recipe, but it was super delicious and I want to make it again. In related news I got a recipe app for my Mac so I can keep track of all the recipes I make and where I found them so that when I want to make dinner I can browse that list and be like YES HERE IT IS.

I've been slowly compiling a post about FF14 and all the things I love about it. I'm making hella fast progress through the older endgame content (thanks in large part to my free company, who is willing to drag me around through content I shouldn't be clearing nearly as easily as I am, but they have all outleveled it by a lot. They benefit too since there are bonuses for a successful clear when someone is new to the challenge, but still.) On my main class, Summoner, I have the zenith relic weapon and I'll be running around with
rpgfreak this evening to get the next version, and I'm ready to start clearing things to get my fancy Scholar weaponry. I haven't yet sunk into the "oh god this is such a grind," though I know I'll get there eventually when I'm working on my bajillionth relic and hating everything in the world.

Alright, time to go do the grocery shopping and pick up prescriptions so I can have fun times later.

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1104888.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

cooking, final fantasy xiv, unfucking my life

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