winter seems to be here.

Jan 05, 2015 19:50

It is too cold even for Chicago here. The high today didn't even get above single digits; tonight we are getting some unholy amount of snow, tomorrow we might hit 20, and then Wednesday is like a high of -2 and windchills of -20.

I DO NOT APPROVE OF THIS. I realize this is sort of the payment for the incredibly mild December that we enjoyed, but I still don't have to like it. I am a fragile southern flower not built for these harsh northern winters. (note to self: do not marry into House Stark.)

I had wanted to get up early today so I could start training myself into an earlier wake-up schedule with the goal of it being feasible to maybe switch to an 8:30-4:30 schedule (my night owl ways mean that extra time means way more to me in the evening than in the morning) but that didn't happen, mostly because my brain would absolutely not shut up last night and as a result I flopped around wakefully until about 1 am, which was not at all the goal.

But despite that, I've had a pretty good day; I got a lot of compliments on my hair at work (at least two people initially didn't recognize me) and I got a fair bit done. My coworker who lives nearby was kind enough to give me a ride home so I didn't have to shuffle around in the cold (though everybody made fun of how bundled up I was, but look, when the weather warnings are like DANGER! FROSTBITE! I take that shit seriously!) Accordingly, I got home about half an hour early and put that time to good use mowing through my to-do list. In related news, hot damn but boxed red beans and rice is hella salty when you have grown used to making your own. (It's the reduced-sodium version, even! But it's still a delicious lazy Monday dinner.)

I seem to have spent far too much of the past several days playing FF14, but there's so much I still want to do there. I think my ultimate goal is "get to the point where I can shepherd newer players in the free company through anything they might need," since so many people were so helpful to me when I was a newbie and I want to give some of that back. Plus, I genuinely enjoy crafting and gathering and all that sort of thing; it's just the endgame battle content that sort of kills me. But I can learn how to do that! Fierce!

(Thus far FF14 has mostly not been that hard; a couple of the class quests were big old jerks on the ACN/SMN path, but I made it through. Only with the help of the echo in one case, but whatever.)

Now to decide what to do with myself tonight. I know what I want the answer to be, but possibly I should work on some other things instead of leveling every craft in FFXIV again...then again, I could get more weekly challenge log before it resets tomorrow. DECISIONS.

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