that was worth waiting for.

Dec 07, 2013 23:15

It's been a busy week. And it is only going to get busier through the end of the year. Last night we went to see a panto written by my friend Wizera, which was delightful in the way that pantos are. (Also, as
tuberose pointed out, paladin presented with many puns is much like a small child given sugar. It's true. He even admits it's true!) I was feeling kind of cranky and not-wanting-to-go just because it was cold and it was Friday and I was very tired, but I am glad I went.

Then I came home and we played video games until 1 am, and then I slept late this morning (first time in....uhhhhhh....many weeks that I have had enough sleep). We lounged around the house for a while; I booted up FF14 for the first time since before the 11/15 patch and instead of doing what I meant to do, which was gain more levels in my primary combat class, instead I just leveled Botanist like mad. Help, I have a crafting problem. (I started leveling Botanist so I could get lavender for Culinarian, you see...)

Then we went off to the mall (during Christmas season, because we are smart) to acquire some minor items for the cats, as well as look for wedding rings. We found something each of us liked, and then magically what with Christmas sales and the like we ended up getting both of our rings for the tag price of paladin's (and thus saving about 30%.) Mine just wants sizing; his has to be custom-made. But that's another thing off the wedding list. Once I sign the cake contract, I think I'm done. (Except for eating food and choosing food, but that's the easy part.)

After that, we had dinner at Cheesecake Factory, and then we finally got around to seeing Thor: The Dark World. (mostly this was my fault, because dear God but November ate my entire being.)

I love:

* Frigga being a badass
* Sif forever!!!!
* Thor's little speech at the end about a good man vs a great king (soooooo relevant to the things at the core of Every Light)
* Darcy!
* JANE!!!

Also a surprising quantity of Loki feels; I think that Loki in this film is what I really wanted him to be all along, and oh god but I love the number of guns on the mantelpiece properly fired at the end of the film. I'm really unhappy about Frigga getting gacked just when she was being rad.

On the other hand I think this is the only superhero movie I've ever seen that has pointless eye candy for persons who find men attractive and none at all of pointless eye candy for persons who find women attractive. Also, I will totally cop to the fact that I made A Noise during the shirtless bathing scene and paladin laughed at me and said "You'll be in your bunk, then?"

(Weirdly enough, I now have the impulse to reread The Forbidden Game by LJ Smith. I'm probably going to regret this impulse but whatever.)

The scenery-chewing was very impressive; Loki and Thor tag-teaming the dark elf guy whose name I'm not even going to try to spell was great; HEIMDALL OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU SO PERFECT. The Warriors Three made me happy in my soul; I laughed a ton and just generally enjoyed myself no end. Yessssssss.

Of the previews, I rather want to see the Jack Ryan Shadow Whatever thingy, because I am very fond of spy movies with punching and explosions (see also: the Matt Damon Bourne films). And obviously Captain America: The Winter Soldier (which means I really do need to get round to watching the first one, which we even have on DVD, I'm just the worst at watching things.) At some point I should probably also watch Hobbit 1.0 so I can watch 2.0 because who is that badass elf chick with the sword WANT MOAR PLZ. (Also, makeup can do amazeballs things: Orlando Bloom how does your face even work??)

So now we are back home with paladin playing AssCreed 4: The Chest-Flexing I mean Pirate Booty I mean Black Flag. That one. I have next to no interest in the plot of this one, except the Abstergo bits; mostly I am just staring at the pretty Caribbean scenery. But paladin certainly seems to be enjoying himself, so mission accomplished. And I have temporarily ragequit Picross because I have made the same fucking mistake twice in this puzzle and it's sending me up a wall.

I've posted this at and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

movies, getting married, assassin's creed, final fantasy xiv

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