November Roundup, December Goals

Dec 02, 2013 19:57

...oh holy God I just realized the October/November version of this post had a wrong-like-a-wrong-thing title. Now fixed, because I am made of neurotic.

anyway, here we go!

Video Games
In November:
* Finish Legend of Dead Kel
* Hit either 20 in FF14, or 10 in Guild Wars 2
* Start FFT for Moogle U

Done! I did in fact finish Legend of Dead Kel and another game (The Lake House: Children of Silence) to boot; I hit level 20 in FF14; I did in fact technically start FFT and got all the way to Dorter Trade City. Yes, I imagine you can see me rolling my eyes at myself from there.

In December:
* Hit 25 in FF14, 10 in Guild Wars 2
* Finish any one game bought pre-2013
* Get to the end of Chapter 2 of FFT

(The last is because Sev and I both got jacked royally by November, so we are pushing FFT back a month on Moogle U. Which. Um. One of us should maybe post about to the comm.)

In November:
* NaNo fucking WriMo!!!!!


In December:
* Yuletide fic
* 10K on Trilogy 3
* Re-outline Trilogy 1 and Trilogy 2

In November:
* Don't overcompensate for NaNo stress by eating out all the damn time
* Only Christmas shopping, and I am not a valid recipient.

Done! I also successfully did not overcompensate for NaNo stress by buying stupid shit for my pixel dragon addiction or buy anything on the Steam Autumn Sale. This is largely because I paid paladin half of my half of the treadmill cost and then promptly fell over at the state of my bank account and went into ultra-low-cost mode.

In December:
* Only Christmas shopping, and I am not a valid recipient.
* All Christmas presents in cash
* Eat out no more than once a week for lunch (this week is an exception due to coworker birthday)

In November:
* Use the new elliptical we will buy on Sunday at least twice a week.
* Go back to tracking food.
* Mail the damn save-the-dates
* Attend tastings for wedding cake
* Keep up with TiVo
* Meditate once a week
* Don't let myself get crushed by impending winter

...This one I did not succeed at. I used the elliptical once a week; I stopped tracking food completely. I acquired the save-the-dates, but haven't sent them. I did attend cake tastings; I did not get particularly far behind on TiVo. I did not meditate and November kicked my ass, mentally. Middling results?

In December:
* Mail the save-the-dates
* Use the elliptical twice a week
* Sign cake contract
* Keep up with TiVo
* Start taking vitamins again
* Get back on the UFYH bandwagon. House needs to be spotless by the time Mom gets here on the 21st.

I've posted this at and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

resolutions 2013

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