January Roundup, February Goals

Jan 31, 2013 19:40

Alright! Time for goals roundup #1 of 2013.

Video Games
January Goals:
* Beat either Final Fantasy Dimensions or Chrono Cross.
* Beat FF1 for Moogle U; minimum of two posts about it as I'm doing so.

Success! I beat Final Fantasy Dimensions and got close to the end of CC; I beat FF1 and I wrote three posts, not including the start/end posts.

February Goals:
* Beat FF2 for Moogle U; minimum two posts about it as I'm doing so (excluding start/end posts).
* Beat Chrono Cross

I thought about doing Four in February, but with everything else going on, it's just not feasible.

January Goals:
* 15K overall words; DW/Moogle U posts count.
* (Contingent on beta response) Post Chapters 1-3 of Every Light.
* Finish the last two scenes of Trilogy Part 1; smooth out the edges from ripping out the stuff that belonged in Part 2. Send to beta readers.

...I wrote 10.6K overall, and didn't even touch the other two (in part because EL requires beta response I don't have.) On the other hand I wrote and posted two Chocobo Races fics.

February Goals:
* 15K words
* Leave at least 3 prompts at AreYouGame
* Write at least 3 things for the Kiss Battle
* Write one of the remaining scenes in Trilogy 1

January Goals:
* Save $200 for the wedding.
* Pay for my French class tuition in cash.

Done! I also ended up having my extra paycheck effectively hit this month, so I tossed an extra $900 into the wedding account (and an equivalent amount is going to paying down cards.)

February Goals:
* Save $200 for the wedding.
* Reduce eating-out expenses: breakfast at Starbucks no more than once a week, lunch out no more than twice a week.

January Goals:
* Once a week, 20 minutes of step aerobics (while catching up on TiVo; two birds, one stone!)
* Settle on a place and a date for the wedding; attend an expo to see the dress I think might be perfect.
* One DW post a week outside of MU. Don't let myself get more than 3 days behind on reading.
* Write the ritual I will use for Imbolc.
* One hour a week of French study outside class.
* Get at least one inbox to fewer than ten.

I conquered the inbox. I did 20 minutes twice, so halfway there. I did settle on a date and I found a place I love, I'm just waiting for their response to my request for a proposal (which I was supposed to have today, so I shall have to call them tomorrow. Sob.) I wrote a DW post every week except that of the 6th, and I kept up on reading. I did not write an Imbolc ritual or study French, but I didn't do too badly this month, all things considered.

February Goals:
* Conquer at least three things from my pile of shame. All the books with their butts facing outward are books I have bought and not read. Shame on me. I am going to not only read three books, I am going to also post reviews to GoodReads and start actually using the damn site. (This is the other reason why Four in February is unlikely to work for me.)
* Read at least one Exalted Second Edition book I've not yet finished, in prep for 3rd Ed.
* Decide if I want to find a new therapist.
* Once a week, 25 minutes of step aerobics.
* Twice in February, 30 minutes of yoga.
* One DW post a week outside of MU.
* Actually do a damn Imbolc ritual.
* One hour a week of French study outside class.
* Reduce my other inbox by half (currently 43; down to fewer than 21.) Keep the first inbox under control.

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1065528.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

resolutions 2013

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