Fic Post!

Jan 29, 2013 18:30

"Voices," FFI/Dissidia crossover meta time loop. Sarah/Garland and Cosmos/Chaos, rated G, 1100 words. Spoilers for FFI and the basic premise of Dissidia. Princess Sarah of Cornelia hears the voices of the world: earth, fire, water, and wind. It is her task to bring them to balance, but how?

Dreamwidth | AO3

...I finished Final Fantasy Dimensions last night and I desperately need to write every fic and spread all these emotions around everywhere (punch my heart some more, damned game) and also write a huge review of why you should buy and play that game RIGHT THE HELL NOW NO SERIOUSLY RIGHT NOW, but in the meantime I have to finish my closeout post for
moogle_university and also write another one for next month, what the hell.

I've posted this at and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

fic pointers, final fantasy dimensions

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