First of all: I beat NaNo.
Shiny winner profile! It was...rough. And not very fun at the end. But I learned some important lessons, namely don't fucking write 14K in the last two weeks of October and then edit 177K in November in addition to doing NaNo. (Before NaNo started, I was wondering aloud to
celeloriel what lesson I would learn about myself and my noveling process this year. Answer: don't overdo it.)
In November, I was going to:
* Beat NaNoWriMo
* Continue until the novel is DONE
* Do the typo pass on Every Light
I also had some specific daily word count goals.
I did beat NaNo; I did do the typo pass; I did not make my daily word count goals (for reasons of "overdoing it") and I am now on a self-mandated 2-week fiction break while my brain tries to recover, so I also am not continuing right this minute.
EDIT: Also I finished my GYWO pledge for the year! I am at 156K written and I pledged 150. Go me!
In December, I will:
* Take two weeks off. In full.
* Then pick up at about 1k/day starting on the 15th, if I feel recovered enough.
* Write what I want to. If that means incredibly self-indulgent Persona 3 senpai cuddlepile, great. If it's something I could publish and make money from, also great. No judgment here.
Video Games
In November, I was going to:
* Beat Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
I did not, mostly because I was made of distracto-cat and kept playing whatever caught my eye at that precise moment, which actually is a good thing that I need to learn how to do, so I'm going to call it a net win. I did beat *a* game, though, Faerie Solitaire, which I had acquired on the Steam Autumn Sale. It was pointless but fun.
In December:
* Play as much Glitch as I can before it shuts down (but don't let it be a chore)
* Beat three games, given that I have at least six hanging around with enough progress to do so in a month (especially given the week off I have around Christmas.)
In November, I was going to:
* Be better about answering emails and things promptly and fully.
* Take ten minutes to meditate, once a week. Really.
* Keep working with my therapist.
....I did accomplish continuing to work with my therapist. I was technically "better," albeit not perfect, about answering emails. (Self, try to remember that progress is acceptable even if the goal isn't hit.)
In December:
* Remember that it's okay to tell people that I am having headbees and cannot deal with things right now.
* Work on blaming myself less for the headbees and finding ways around them instead.
In November, I was going to:
* Do Christmas shopping only on cash-in-hand (i.e. my usual categories of spending money will be shifted to presents instead.)
....I did not buy any presents so technically this counts as met, but no. Okay. Still, I spent remarkably little this month.
In December, I will:
* Put away a total of $400 in a savings account for the wedding ($200 left over from November, $200 in December)
* Do Christmas shopping only on cash-in-hand (i.e. my usual categories of spending money will be shifted to presents instead.)
* Do New Year's party shopping only on cash-in-hand (shift grocery funds that way)
And speaking of grocery funds, it is time I went to the grocery store.
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