I finished with 10 minutes to go to midnight Central time on the 24th (yeah I'm in East Coast time zone right now for the holiday AND I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT, OKAY, I WROTE THIS NOVEL IN 24 FUCKING DAYS).
And I really like this novel. It hits all of my kinks, pretty much, in spades, and it makes me overjoyed to be writing it and having it and rolling around with these characters, and even when I'm frustrated with the words (which, in all fairness, usually means I am frustrated with my own lack of focus), I love this story.
It is, of course, far from done--I anticipate I'm somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of the way through the actual book, probably closer to 1/3, and I think a lot of worldbuilding I've been handwaving is going to have to get nailed down. And I need to write Yuletide, and start beating up the AreYouGame prompts.
But for tonight, I am a fucking rockstar who wrote 50,000 words in 24 days, and I am basking.