some number of things makes a post

Aug 06, 2010 21:43

*I am nearly done with
hardmode. I wrote 3852 words last night. I have written 1350 so far today. All the killing is done with and now it's just the grieving. Which fortunately is the easy part to write. (The battle scene is *AWFUL.* It needs rewriting liek whoa. It is simply going to have to wait. This is a rough draft. It is allowed to suck.)

*Scented candles are awesome. Even if the scents are not remotely atmospheric for what I am writing. Then again I do not care for scents that are atmospheric of what I am usually writing.

*I went out for homestyle Japanese food with Robbie tonight. It was delicious, and the conversation was fabulous. Some of the gems included: "Well, everyone else is at GenCon. We could go get lap dances." "It's for research!" "It's totally for research." "This is what you get for going to GenCon! No lap dances!" "Sure, you may be in a room full of gamers playing with awesome stuff. BUT WE GOT LAP DANCES." (We did not actually go out for lap dances. But we debated it, playfully.)

*On the way home, the CTA timed itself exactly wrong so I missed the Metra north. I was originally going to go kill an hour in Barnes and Noble and then come home, but I got impatient and took a cab instead. Although I did of course buy two books during my brief sojourn to the bookstore. And chocolate. I know they put the Godiva at the register to encourage impulse buys. I have a -50 to my save vs. Godiva raspberry chocoiste bars. -50!

*When I was swapping CTA trains at Howard, a very nice couple who were clearly from out of the country and just as clearly worried and slightly lost asked me which was the train to Davis. As that was the one I was taking to get to the Metra, I offered to point it out when it arrived. They did not speak English well at all, but we communicated a little--they are from Seoul, here to visit their daughter, whose husband is studying for an MBA at NU's Kellogg School of Management. They had been downtown doing the boat tour, and were very excited by Chicago's architecture. They also thought I was a student. (The messenger bag and the lunchbox I had in my hands undoubtedly aided this impression, but do I really look *that* young?) They were very nice; the husband was here for the second time, while this was the wife's first trip to the US. Next week they are going out west and then up to Canada. It was as good a way as any to pass the train ride, and I like helping friendly people.

*There is a box downstairs that contains our new freezer. I cannot bring it upstairs myself. The paladin will have to help me with it tomorrow.

*My hands really hurt. (Yes, I know, writing 4K a day does that.) I really ought to install the copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking that came with my recording thingy, and start teaching it the various FF terms so I can write without typing. Although I feel really doofy talking out loud to my computer, even if no one's around. I just do. (I remain convinced I will never write porn that way.)

*I saw this article on the Trib this morning about women gamers and the (shocking! totally shocking!) lack of wimmenz in the game design industry. I could rant for, you know, days about why that is (and if you value your mental state, do NOT venture into the comments. They are, as is typical for the Trib, a horrible cesspit of eldritch clusterfucktastrophe from back of beyond. The denizens of my city often are appalling.) But I think it makes an excellent point that the people making games for women not clued in to what women would actually want from a game, which is pretty sad, honestly. So many of us game! we are a market! I promise!

*Alright, self, do this writing thing like you mean it.

st ajora it's a war lion!, writing process, om nom nom, chicago, don't be silly--women aren't people

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