Section I: The Applicant
Name: Bakhu
sumi_no_ekaki Section II: The Student
Name: Wonderwyce Maljera
Age: 14
Club Affiliation: Numeros
Wonderwyce is a really, really smart kid.
He's just not all that bright.
Wonderwyce is a mathematical genius -- so much so that he managed to skip a year of school despite only being marginally proficient at classes like English, Art, Music....basically, everything BUT math. And, like pretty much all single-subject geniuses, his social skills are just a little bit lacking.
He doesn't talk. If you ask him his name, he'll tell you that much, but anything beyond that simply gets you a stare of seeming incomprehension. If he needs to answer a question, he will go up to the chalkboard to do it. No one is quite sure why he refuses to talk. Some say it's some profound statement on the nature of the world and the pointlessness of communication; others say he's just a moron. They point out that he acts just like a two year old -- chasing pigeons, putting anything he hasn't seen before into his mouth to see what it is, using grunts and whines to communicate what he wants. He even looks like a child, with his white hair springing wild, his buck teeth sticking out, and his uniform constantly disheveled. Nothing about him suggests the elegance and refinement that Los Noches is known for.
But Wonderwyce doesn't care about any of that. One has to wonder if he's even aware of how people whisper about him. What else lurks behind those childishly stupid eyes besides the world's greatest graphing calculator?
Wonderwyce is the baby of his family, with four older brothers and a bevy of cousins, uncles, nieces, nephews, and aunts raising a ruckus in his house. With pandemonium being the status quo, his parents don't worry too much about his childish behavior; they're just happy he isn't causing the trouble his brothers are. His mother especially appreciates it -- it's like having him as a baby, except she doesn't have to change his diaper.
At school, Wonderwyce has adopted Tousen, advisor to the Numeros, as a sort of second-father, and spends as much time with him as he possibly can.
Section III: The Sample:
Writing Sample:
Wonderwyce stared at the grasshopper. If its weight was 3 grams and it traveled a distance of 30 centimeters, then its initial velocity would have been...
This was how the teenager spent his lunch periods. While others of his classmates would chatter amongst friends or work on homework, maybe get tutoring from peers or teachers, Wonderwyce would explore the world around him. It was amazing to him how much math dominated the world around him. Everything could be explained in equations. How the grass grew, why the sky appeared to be blue, how Pesshe managed to fit into the smallest locker -- it all could be explained mathematically. Wonderwyce found that fascinating.
Alas, few others appreciated it, even among the Numeros. Only Mr. Tousen really understood him and his passion. Only Mr. Tousen really appreciated the beauty of mathematics. Who needed words when numbers communicated so much more, so much more accurately?
The bell rang, signifying the end of lunch. Wonderwyce sighed, debating whether or not to just skip the next class. It was English -- what good would it do him? But Mr. Tousen had warned him that he couldn't just do well in math and science if he wanted to graduate and move on to college. Pouting, the teenager rolls to his feet and trudges to his next class.