It's 1:00am, and I'm wide awake, even though I have to get up in 4 hours... Had one hell of a nap tonight, and Beth accidentally turned off the alarm while asleep, and so I slept too much then... Hopefully I'll be able to crash soon and get some sleep..
So, if any of you haven't caught her posting from my Friends page, there's a major update to mention... I'll crosspost her last post...
xiomara-tm Two important dates: October 4th 2008 and October 26th 2007
The first one involves the glittering ring on my finger and the second is all about morning sickness.
Surprise! Everything has changed.
I'm excited, curious, nervous and "hormonally challenged".
I could really do without the constant nausea and the neverending mood swings and a plaguing need to sleep ALL DAY.
...We are learning alot about eachother through all of this. Everything happens for a reason and this definitely happened to bring us closer together.
Everything is crazy. The ups and downs... are hard to deal with but i'll get into that more some other time. I'm off to curl up under the blankies.