Dec 10, 2010 01:21
I just saw this on CTV News.
The Calgary Salvation Army is banning 'black magic' toys like Harry Potter and Twilight. They refuse to give those sorts of toys out to the various families in need of some help this Christmas.
Are you shitting me? First of all, those things have about as much in common with 'black magic' as Motorhead and Britney Spears. Secondly, hello? They're TOYS! Toys from franchise's based off of FICTIONAL STORIES!
It's not like we're giving away copies of the Necronomicon and a severed goats head here people. These are toys based off of books meant for children and teenagers. These books that are so widely loved that publishers have put out editions with different covers solely for the adult fans. They're fantasy. Make-believe. Not how-to manuals on how to perform ceremonies to open a Hellmouth in the backyard!
Sparkly vampires aren't evil, I don't care how much eye liner they're wearing. Also, who the hell are you to censor what kids can and can't have? People bought these toys and donated them for kids whose families are in hard times. What's the point in doing so if what you give isn't even going to reach those children? I'm pretty sure that the kids would rather have a sparkly vampire doll for Christmas than nothing at all.
I can understand that some parents agree with the ban, that each family has their own beliefs. But how about letting each family decide on their own what to bring into their house? (What am I saying? Some of the same people blame the internet when their kids are on porn sites instead of having a vested interest in what the hell their kids are doing. Stupid, stupid Lashana.)
Yeah, Twilight and Harry Potter deal with magic, and vampires and werewolves and a half-giant that rides a flying motorcycle and loves everyhing creepy and crawlie. Big whoop. Next they'll be banning Transformers because it's too close to Stephen King's 'Christine', cuz, hey, those Decepticons could be working for Satan. These are the same people who watched Teletubbies and decided that the purple one was gay.
You want something real to go after, how about the video games that turn horrible events like WWI and WWII into something that every kid wants to play. Where we're desenitizing people to the fact that thousands, hundreds of thousands of real people DIED and SUFFERED and SACRIFICED during those wars, and that companies are making money off of some of the darkest and evilest times in human history. Where instead of making sure that horrors like that never happen again, they're making sure to put in an extra level where you can beat someone to death with the but of your gun. Or how some games have the players doing gang drive-by shootings and beatings and killing cops and hate crimes, and being rewarded for it? Here, have an XBOX achievement for being the meanest pimp on the block. Why aren't there people getting in a tiff over shit like that?
No, instead they go after things Harry Potter and Twilight.
You want real evil, how about you look outside of your door. How about you use your energies and TV airtime to put a stop to racism and hate crimes? Or to make sure that schools aren't breeding grounds for sadistic little people who get their jollies out of torturing someone to the point where suicide turns out to be the only their targets can get away from them? Or to make it safe for two people to love each other, be they straight or gay. Let's put a stop to the evil fuckers of the world, to serial murderers and pedophiles, and sex traffickers who allow soulless men to rape a ten year old girl for fifty bucks?
How about we make real differences in kids lives?
Because compared to all that, how evil is 'Twilight'? Really?
christmas is like war,