Move along people, nothing to see here, not one thought based or provoking statements here. Just boredom. Cruisin quizes.
You will be the first ninja to use daffodils as
weapons. Plus, you kick butt.
What is your Fate? brought to you by
Who's your inner rockstar? You're a Non-box.
What box do you get put in? brought to you by
Uh-oh.. You are slightly Redneck!
Do I
hear the theme from Jaws? Oh, buddy, you are almost a borderline
case of neckus redius- you are a fan of wrestling and most likely
own a truck which was in its prime in the late seventies.
Your collar
may be white, but your neck is red!
©2002 You're so Evil even Satan has taken notice of you.
People cross the street to avoid your wrath.
You consort with demons on a regular basis and
have known several Vampires. You plan on
joining them in undeath one day when you have
had enough of mortality.
The Ultimate quiz to see if you're Evil brought to you by
Quizilla Whew! I think I got it out of my system.