*insert theme song to sanford and son here*

Jul 14, 2005 17:50

I don't update enough, so consider this the weekly update *G*

I was tagged by quebelly for this HBP meme, so here be my answers arrr

(what kind of movie would a pirate watch? one that is rated arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)
List the 10 (could only think of five) things you'll be doing the last few days before HBP.
Post them in your Lj
Tag 3 people in your Flist to do the same
If you`ve been tagged, add what the person that tagged you wrote to your own list. (Including the things of people that tagged them)

As for me, lasciviae
1.)I would say re-read the series, but I did that two months ago, and I think reading the series almost 10 times is more than sufficient.
2.)Finish reading-A Cook's Tour : Global Adventures in Extreme Cuisines by Anthony Boudain(follow up to Kitchen Confidential)
3.)watch COS and POA on DVD again
4.)maybe make some Potter related graphics as I haven't in a reaaaaaallll long time
5.)gather supplies to0 read entire book in one sitting:fluid, food, and smokes
6.)take a nap
7.)rip apart other's theories-got to do this last night
8.)work on other graphics that need to be finished regardless of HBP being released
9.)take a nap
10.)create havoc and break a few hearts along the way

Okies, I was tagged by quebelly and she said:
1. Getting together with shotagoddess and formulating a plan of attack on Wal Mart and/or Target to get the book. I know I could just reserve it but I enjoy the thrill of the hunt.
2. Reading more Aubrey/Maturin no doubt.
3. Beading. Perhaps I’ll bead myself something slytheriny.
4. Watching Azkaban to get in the HP mood.
5. Going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

quebelly was tagged by wonkhp who said:
1. Going camping.
2. Getting borderline hypothermia in the wonderful, freezing Pacific Ocean.
3. Playing guitar.
4. Reading other books (such as the Eyre Affair).
5. Knitting/crocheting up a storm.
6. Avoiding fanfic like the plague.
7. Attending release party at local book shop Friday night.
8. Dressing up in full PoA attire including striped scarf and Hatmione (I'm glad I live in WA and can get away with this during the Summer).
9. Praying that no little kids feel the need to read sections of the book out loud on Friday night.
10. Waiting impatiently for the UPS guy to arrive.

wonkhp was tagged by maddyriddle who said:
1. Finishing OotP (I already re-read the other 4).
2. Keep doing my analysis of Ginny.
3. Enjoying the winter holidays.
4. Hoping that someone will take pity on me and scan a copy of the book so I'd be able to download it from the net.
5. Knitting a sweater for my dad.
6. Envying people who will have the book to read.
7. Reading fanfic.
8. Watching CSI episodes I have on tape (and I have a great excuse as to tell people off if they interrupt me. I sign for a criminalistics class at uni, I'm just learning stuff I'll be asked about *grins*)
9. Hoping nothing bad happens to Remus.
10. Discussing with a friend different clues and possible things that could happen in book 6 and 7.

*EDIT*opps, I forgot to tag peoples...so ummm...metamuse joyous_trouble, and pussicle who will most likely bitch at being tagged over a potter meme, deal with it*thhpts*

I finally updated the style at trash_graphics and am very pleased by what I was able to do with free overrides only.

crap....I hear thunder, I'll be back. *sighs*fuckin tropical depression fuckin up my internet mojo.

*EDIT*#2, so okies, that had to have been quickest thunder storm ever. I know there's more coming, but none now, so here I be.

fandom chatter, lasciviae vs. nature, hp, trash graphics, meme, keep my pimp tag strong

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