May 23, 2003 01:25
Sitting alone in a room carpeted with crumpled paper and assorted half-filled notebooks I thought to myself, "I should clean!"
Funny word, should. It makes me hate whatever task follows it with such a passion that I can never bring myself to do it. For quite a while it's been, "I should update my livejournal." Therefore, I avoided it ... with great skill. However, as of late the list of shoulds has become freakishly long:
- I should clean my room
- I should do some homework
- I should do laundry
- I should get my life together
- I should build a time machine and join the Beatles
- I should become ruler of the world
... thus making the should in "I should update my livejournal" pale in comparison to the rest.
A fantastical story, but true.
In other news: according to that little quiz of Shane’s I’m destined to sleep with Jude Law. Bring it on, BRING IT!