Jan 25, 2013 20:03
Last June seems not too long ago, but my life has changed so much ever
since. I went on liquid food for six weeks, losing 19 kg's. I have been
to the greatest LARP of Europe: Drachenfest. Even though I was still very
heavy and could not do much and although the weather was very hot, I did
have a marvellous time there. On LARP with friends is amazing. But to
meet another very close friend in the middle of the end bash - of all
places - was sheer luck.
The 13th of August is a day I will never forget. My rebirth, so to speak.
I might even celebrate that day instead of my birthday. Why? Because it
is the day I had my gastric sleeve operation. At long last I finally had
it and the people there and Hage took very good care of me. My parents,
aunt and cousin as well as Hage and Hinke came to visit. And even after
returning home people were so very sweet to me. Sna came to visit and
brought me a megacool book. It was so great to see them all. People..
actually care about this old fool....
I healed up pretty well, but found out that such an operation and my
different eating habits took a great toll on me mentally. For I could no
longer eat my emotions away. That is good because I lost weight, but at
times I do miss my old 'friend', my eating disorder. I know though, that
I will never ever eat for any other reason than being hungry.
Weight loss up until now: 54 kg's... I so hope to lose at least 50 more.
My other wishes are a job and being able to do zumba.
More excitement is at hand, for I will probably have surgery again this
year, for I have lymphoedema at my left leg which stops me from walking
without pain. February 5th I shall have councelling about it.