I really should code another Opal layout. However, being the lazy sack of frozen fish I am, I'm going to reuse my Bleach one.
This is okay because Bleach is awesome.
And I really need to finish up the
giant list of layouts for people. That looks pretty bad until
riykon gives me a hint about her sidebar. Or maybe I'll just leave the sidebar blank and move on? Eh.
I hate being sick so, so much.
Have been doing nothing of late except playing the Sims 2 and being sick. Needless to say, I get bored pretty damn fast.
Oddly enough, I'm not as depressed or pissy as I usually am around this time of year. Yay, looks like I'll actually make through a winter without deleting all traces of myself on-line and reappearing two weeks later.
Or maybe not. I get the feeling I'm going to cause drama again. Eh.
I am surprisingly apathetic right now. I'm not used to feeling like this.