Dec 17, 2008 13:20
The agency I've registered with has actually been working. I wasn't expecting to get anything till January but they've come up with a few things.
Last Monday I got an interview for a temp job for 10 weeks, which I didn't really want once it was explained to me. It was receiving complaints and pushing back at customers once you've denied their claims. The interviewer said that most of the calls would be difficult because you would have to keep pushing back and people would cry on you etc etc. And I was glad I didn't get it. (I also did not sound sufficiently enthusiastic enough, which is usually what does you in)
Today apparently I am lined up for a potential interview with the company that Den's tita used to work for. That I find out now, she left because they are restructuring and it is now a mess. I can see why this job is urgently being filled now, and why it sort of suddenly just happened to come up. I am not sure I want to work for them because the pay isn't so great and as i said, "If I'm going to sell my soul to the devil, I better sell it for a lot of money."
Seriously, what's the use of becoming a corporate slave - I'm going back to helpdesk/call centre work as it is - if I'm not going to be paid well for it?
Also I've realised I don't want to work until January. I really don't. And I've just told the lady at the recruiters that I am available now. Crap shit. I have to get out of that pickle now.
Anyway, we'll see. Maybe I won't get that job (seeing as I will probably not sound enthusiastic, again). God, its like I'm happy not to get things now.
I just seriously want to crawl in bed and not get out until January.