(no subject)

Jun 14, 2007 08:53

The PGCE is coming to an end which is good as I am more than done with this already... The course has been a bit of a hotch potch with conflicting information and last minute changes all over the place...STRESS!!!

This afternoon I have an appointment at Fused Magazine to show them my photographs, will probably amount to a big fat nothing but have never shown my portfolio before with the prospect of freelance photography work (doing this for people I know doesn't count!) so I am excited and very nervous! Friday I have an interview with a local school for a part time Art teacher job which would be good as would be regular work/money but still allow me to pursue freelance work/work experience and when that wasn't coming in a few days supply teaching which if/when qualified would pay fairly well.

Everything always seems so simple on paper tho doesn't it!

Realistically the woman at Fused probably sees hundreds of portfolios a year and the competition for the Art job will be strong as there aren't that many out there now and won't be another wave of teaching jobs til Feb but we'll see! Is pissing it down outside and the rings on my stupid portfolio have become loose overtime so when you carry it by the handle they open and the wallets fall out leaving everything in a mess! Is A1 so carrying it flat is not going to be the easiest especially in the rain. Will have to try carrying it upside down see if that makes any difference. I need a new one but that isn't really an option at the moment.

Have joined the Facebook revolution as kept getting sent requests to join from friends. Yesterday a friend from primary school emailed me, don't see her that often as she now lives and works in London but we did meet up last summer which was great as hadn't seen her for years! She looked amazing, had lost a load of weight and seemed to be really happy and doing well, will hopefully see her soon for a good old natter.
I spent most of yesterday in the MAC with Lyle, he went through my portfolio changing the order of things and helped me with my research project getting me an appointment with a woman I have been chasing on the phone for the past 4weeks. Because he is doing Marketing and Press he may be able to get me some freelance work down there so it's all good. After he'd finished work we looked at 3 exhibitions on at the moment. They have the new work by Barbara Walters about her son and police stop checks. Her work is amazing, I loved it so much was fabulous!

Mum is off to Wales today for 5days to see her friend Joy and her family (her eldest son is Mum's godson), Sammi keeps mumbling the words party but that is NOT going to happen! Have been meaning to have a good clear out of my bedroom and wardrobe for the past 2weeks have so many clothes that don't fit in it but i'm sure most of the stuff taking up space I don't like/wear/doesn't fit... the mess in here, not good!
This weekend is a good time for loud music and a good clean out.
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