Today, I went to work, stayed for half an hour and then went home because I was feeling too dizzy and feverish to supervise five year olds. I'm guessing this is due to the fact that my job requires me to be constantly moving between the the very-hot-because-it's-summer outdoors, cold swimming pools and the very-air conditioned- because-it's-summer indoors; spend long periods of time in wet swimsuits and chase small children around for six hours straight. I also lay blame on the counselor in my unit who was sick and did not stay home, causing everyone else to get sick. I don't know who this counselor is, but I'm sure they exist and that it's all their fault. Damn them.
When I got home, I think I mumbled something slightly incoherent about feeling sick to my parents and went to bed and slept until three. Then I went upstairs where my parents -who are reminding me more of Gwen and Owen from Torchwood every day- watching Eastenders. Their reactions to my illness are as follows.
Mum: Oh no! You're sick! Let me take care of you! Would you like some tea... soup... toast... a hug? Here, let me give you a hug!
Dad: Maybe you have SWINE FLU! *gleefully looks up swine flu symptoms*
I went back to bed and slept until seven.
And speaking of Torchwood...
I'm very, very happy with CoE so far. Observations and reactions in point form because I'm too lazy for paragraphs.
-Gwen, Rhys and Ianto are the best unlikely trio of action heroes ever. My mum -who doesn't even like Torchwood- and I cheered loudly when Ianto showed up with that crane. It more than makes up for losing the SUV, in my humble opinion.
-You really like creepy stories about creepy children. Don't you, Russell T. Davies?
-What happened to all the weevils in the basement? :'''(
-What happened to all those people Captain Jack put in the freezer?
-WHAT HAPPENED TO PC ANDY? I sincerely hope they didn't do away with him. He's awesome.
Anyway, I'm feeling better now and my guess is that I'll be able to work tomorrow. Yay!
I'm going back to bed now.