New Name: Larkspurlazuli!!! and Lake District

May 20, 2005 00:32

I've finally changed over to a new journal! I've decided on larkspurlazuli. Most people I know have changed over, but a few people who I know would like to friend me haven't yet. I don't expect everyone I friend to friend me back, but I know some would like to. You know who you are! Sorry for the inconvenience.

I'll continue double posting for a while, but only a week or so.

Well! The busyness is finally starting to set in! And this weekend isn't going to be helping any of it. It'll be worth it, though -- I'm going to the lake district for the weekend, which hopefully will include some hiking, canoeing, reading, and perhaps seeing the house of William Wordsworth! Honestly, of all the places to visit in the UK, the lake district has been at the top of my list. And the company will be delightful as well, of course!

My parents are leaving tomorrow for London. They're going to be spending almost two weeks in the United Kingdom as their 25th wedding anniversary celebration, and they're coming to see me as part of the trip. ^^ They'll arrive next Wednesday, only a couple days after I get back from my own trip. I hope they have such a wonderful time!!! I know it's the first time they've been out of the country in a very long time, and I believe it's the first time my Mom's been to Europe. I'm really looking forward to showing them around York~~ ^^ ...and giving them the gifts I got while traveling.

By the way, I found a scanner that I can use here at York, so pictures of my trip will be coming~~
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