Name Change!!!

May 17, 2005 22:27

Thank you to everyone who gave their input on my new lj name! I think a lot of the ones you suggested were pretty (especially limabeanlarkanator!!) but I just don't like underscores much, so I've decided on larkspurlazuli. Seems kinda weird right now, but I'll get used to it. Okay, so I'm asking everyone now, please un-friend larkspur778 and friend larkspurlazuli now. I'll be double posting until I think everyone has moved over. Parting is such sweet sorrow.... *snif*

I really want to make a new layout for my new journal. I love this one so much -- it's like a good old shoe, and I've never gotten tired of it, even after 2 1/2 years. But there needs to be some change around here, and for the first time in several years, I have the time to do so. Right now I'm copying the old layout over until I can come up with something better.

I saw the movie Kingdom of Heaven a couple of nights ago. Although it had Orlando Bloom in it (yayyy!) overall it was certainly less than stellar. It just wasn't a very well made movie, the plot seemed forced, the script was.. very silly at parts, and a lot of the characters were weird (although the leper king was cool). Plus, I don't really like Orlando Bloom very much when he's very scruffy and dirty and says about two words in every scene. See, that was the reason I never really liked Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn in LOTR. Anyway, Meredith's cousin Sarah described it as a movie made by someone "jaded with religion". I have to agree. I was wondering about what kind of religious message it would express, since it's focused on the Crusades, in my opinion, one of the darkest and most senseless things done in the name of Christianity. The message was basically one of tolerance, really an anachronism during the Crusades. It had some good stuff in it, though, and brought out the difference between God and religion, that many madmen have done evil saying it was "God's will" and "holiness is in right actions". That entire movie made me think of the icon I've seen floating around saying "Your stupid makes me hurt", but in reference to the Crusaders. So stupid, it hurts!!! Yeah, anyway, I could easily write a 2000 word essay on the difference between religion and God/spirituality but that's for another time.

I have a Henna tattoo on my right palm! Archana (who is Indian) made it for me, and she's had a lot of practice at the designs. It's kind of a five-sided lotus/flower that fills my palm, with curling tendrils up each of my fingers. Anyone who's had a henna tattoo knows that it's a pain in the beginning, though. I had to leave the henna paste on my hand for several hours, moisturizing it with lemon juice, then slept with a bag on my hand! Good times. You never know what it's like to brush your teeth with one hand until you are forced to try it. It turned out a lot darker than I had expected, which is a good thing. I'm still expecting to see brown dye in the sink when I wash my hands. It's a good thing it's not on the back of my hand because if I was I don't think I'd even be able to type because I'd be so distracted by the complexity. Whenever I see a bit of my palm, I just can't help but stare at it for a bit.

Now on to a bunch of other entertaining stuff..

Books survey from silverlightstar

1)Total number of books owned?
Maybe a couple of hundred? Including the sci-fi ones I stole from my dad. I loooovve library sales too. I only have about 20 books here in Britain, though, including textbooks.

2) The last book I bought?
Why Girls are Weird -- a book about weblogs! Fun!

3) The last book I read?
The King of Torts by John Grisham

4) 5 books that mean a lot to me?
Pick five? That's ridiculous! Here are some that have been influential or have sentimental value:

The Bible
The Reflective Life by Ken Gire
Hind's Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard
The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
The Seventh Son by Orson Scott Card
The People: No Different Flesh by Zenna Henderson
Dune by Frank Herbert
A Spell for Chameleon by Piers Anthony
Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

5) Tag 5 people and have them fill this out on their ljs:
Some people that come to mind include... emryssa, merynne, archiana, shorstoryboy, and just_one though anyone's welcome to it!

This study was done last year, apparently...

32 Million Americans Say They Read Blogs
Blog readers make up 27% of all Internet users

* 9% of internet users said they read political blogs “frequently” or “sometimes” during the 2004 campaign.
* 7% of users say they have created a blog or web-based diary.
* 57% of bloggers are male.
* 48% are under age 30.
* Blog readership shot up 58% between February 2004 and November 2004…but 62% of online Americans are not even sure what a blog is.


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