Oct 29, 2004 21:16
Last spring, I went to a garden with Erick. The sky opened and rain poured. It was awesome. We were soaked. Upon return to his house I had my first experience of the Newg.
I have decided that I love Newg a lot. He is way cool, super talented, intelligent, and on top of that friendly! I got to know him fairly well over the summer. He was there for me when I needed a laugh and also when I really needed to talk. I love how he perceives the world.
So, if you read this Newg, I just want you to know that I appreciate you. When things are hard, I'm sorry and I hope that I can be a good friend to you. If you want someone to vent to, I can be a good set of ears, or eyes if it's typed.
I'm sorry that sometimes I come home and I don't get to see you! But remember that I miss you and you are an awesome friend!