Oct 19, 2009 18:44
Okay. Rant number one: we really should just learn latin names for plants and shrubs the first time around. I have 100 species to memorize for my lab exam tomorrow, and as I'm studying, I realize: common names really are a huge pain in the ass. For example: what my professor calls "ironwood", our tree identification guide calls either "blue-beech" or "American hornbeam", but there's no mention of "ironwood". So if we just learned the damn thing as Carpinus caroliniana in the first place, it would be a heck of a lot easier, even though that name is a tongue twister.
*sigh* I officially hate plant identification. Trees are not so bad, but 60% of shrub leaves all look the same.
Oh I am so worried I'm screwed for this exam tomorrow. But I've been studying all day, and I did make it through the rock identification exam in Geology. If I can do rocks, I can do plants. I hope?
I had a second rant, but who remembers what it was anymore. Must not have been all that important, yes?
Today was 60 degrees out. The rest of the week is supposed to be 40 degrees and raining/snowing. Dad's going to have a wet weekend fishing again. I wish I was going with him, though.
This has been the best five days of this semester; I haven't had physics since last Wednesday. Nothing lasts forever, I suppose.
I wish I were more coordinated with knives. I want to carve a pumpkin for Halloween! I did my first one last year, but it didn't turn out so well.