I am not dying for six college credits!

Mar 20, 2012 14:49

I had a fabulous weekend. Got plenty of sleep, dropped by the comic store, and oh man, it was so much fun, I have to break this down.

1) Spent a really enjoyable afternoon rewatching Thor with sirona_gs FOR RESEARCH. :) It was actually only my second time watching, which is tragic. I'd forgotten how hilarious and lovely it is. DARCY! ♥ And I was watching with Neve, which made the experience 1000000X more amazing. <333 We spent half the time flailing all over each other and a very tiny portion of time making notes. :)

2) I now have access to my friend's netflix account so I started watching the Unusuals. Well, rewatching, kinda. My sis and I loved the show while it was on TV but I think we only caught four or five episodes total. I was worried that my affection for JEREMY RENNER was clouding my judgment, because I remembered the show as being really, really good and I didn't want to be disappointed. Guys, this show is AWESOME. I promise it's not the JEREMY RENNER talking. ;) I've seen two eps so far and am just blown away by the quality of the writing and the acting. I love the dialogue, the characters are all interesting and funny and intriguing, and I'm crazy excited to find out where this goes. AND NOW I WANT ALL THE FIC. *_____*

Look at his ridiculously adorable face!

3) A good friend is coming into town next weekend and he wants to watch the Hunger Games. This means I have four days to read it. XD

4) The incomparable gyzym has written a fantastic meta about multishipping.

5) cc-feelsmeme: Clint/Coulson prompt meme!

6) I had a random thought, emailed it to K8, and now I can't stop thinking about it. Victoria from RED is Eames' mom. It would be an epic story filled with gunfire and snark and international travel and I WANT IT. <3 And because I am a greedy, greedy person, I want the crazy crossover with everyone: Victoria is Eames' mom and Ricki Tarr is Eames' dad; Brandt from MI4 JEREMY RENNER + guns is his brother. Ariadne and Darcy are cousins. I have no clue what the plot would be but I want it anyway!

7) Again, haven't been reading as much since I've been writing, but here are a few things:
a) Raise a little elf by kellifer_fic (Avengers, Clint/Darcy, PG) - So, it turns out Clint Barton is an elf, and Darcy's never going to let him live it down. I haven't even finished reading this and I'm already reccing it. IT IS SO AWESOME. :D
b) By the book by Perpetual Motion (via sirona_gs, Avengers, Clint/Coulson, PG) - Coulson figures it out through standard procedure (rumor mill to threatening junior agents to that required weird conversation with one’s boss). The one where they're not but everyone thinks they are. Perfect!
c) 5U175 by Closer (Suits, Harvey/Mike, PG13) - Harvey sometimes moonlights as a Star Trek BNF. Mike might have an attitude problem on the internet. TiberiusGhost is strangely compelling, for a recluse who never goes to meetups, and Harvey's finding this kid Photohead vaguely familiar... This works so well within canon! Which reminds me yet again to watch the last 3 eps before the new season starts...
d) Linger by waldorph (XMFC, Charles/Erik, Alex/Darwin, NC17) - Erik had been warned, to be fair. The realtor was very explicit that the last seventeen tenants had run from the premises screaming about the Exorcist or The Ring or some other terrible horror show. Hilarious and full of FEELINGS.

This post needs more pretty! Have a Hawkeye. ♥

tv review, darcy owns my ♥, fic recs, neve knows what i like, jeremy renner's face, movies are love, tv is addicting, k8 is the enabliest enabler, avengers assemblage

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