Might get into this regular updating thing... ;)

Jan 17, 2016 23:42

It’s been a fairly quiet week, but not without its successes.

I got through a decent amount of work at both jobs, and managed to refrain from saying anything rude to some people who were barely competent in theirs, namely:
a) the two people in one job who, given their job titles, presumably had slightly more up to date knowledge of DPA and FOI law and related public sector practice than mine, but clearly didn’t have the faintest clue how to provide a briefing on it for newbies at the meeting they’d been roped into for that purpose; and
b) a Committee Chair in the other job who, despite all her years of experience, still can’t work out the difference between strategic matters the Board should be all over and operational matters they should leave to executive staff. Grrr...

I picked up my new glasses on Monday and discovered just how significant the change in my prescription was, in that it turns out that my night vision hadn't actually been failing, as I'd thought. Now they've adjusted for the change in my astigmatism (historically fairly minor, at least compared to the myopia), I can see the edges of steps and uneven paving slabs and things properly and not be constantly worried about tripping or falling! So that was good. I also booked a long-overdue contact lens check for half term week.

I’ve gotten off to a flying start on the Unclutter 2016 Challenge, having put a bunch of stuff into recycling, taken a few bits to the dump and identified a fair-sized bagful to go the charity shop. It meant I could easily justify buying a new dress yesterday and ordering a couple of pairs of boots (one from Vegetarian Shoes which should be arriving any time, and one from Pennangalan which might possibly show up in time for my birthday next month if I’m lucky).

I ended up not going out at all this weekend, unless you count shopping and the usual Sunday lunch, but I did manage to read the first half of a book (Stephen King’s Mr Mercedes, which is not quite as un-put-down-able as claimed in the pull quotes, but is good enough that I spent a lot more time reading it than I did my Saturday newspaper). And A has managed to get me and his parents free tickets for Tuesday night for the outgoing show at his place, which sounds like it should be fun.

work, books, rant, ta da, result!, theatre, life stuff

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