Festive felicitations, one and all...(except the Occupational Health people)

Dec 23, 2008 19:17

The dreaded Doctor's appointment this morning was a non-event, quite literally. Having dragged myself out of bed at a thoroughly uncivilised hour and spent an hour and a half traipsing over to Dulwich, I was told that the Doctor with whom I supposedly had an appointment never works on Tuesdays and that the surgery had no record of my existence, much less a scheduled appointment. They were enormously apologetic, but it seems pretty obvious that it wasn't their fault. Readers will not be astonished to hear that I am less than impressed with the Occupational Health people over this.

Other than that, it's been a pretty positive day. I picked up the last friend-pressie from a bookshop in Golders Green, and a couple of extra pressies for A's nephew that were going ridiculously cheap in Oxfam, considering that they were still in their original packaging. That just leaves gift-wrapping and house-decoration for this evening, and A has already picked up the hire car for tomorrow (It has a mere five miles on the clock,he tells me), so we're all set.

We're off to A's parents tomorrow and mine for the 25th, plus I'll be staying on for Boxing Day (while A heads back to work, poor thing), when my sister and her other half and spawn will be arriving.

It's highly unlikely that I'll see LJ or e-mail this side of the 27th, so this looks like a good time to send seasonal felicitations to you all. I hope you have a good few days, whatever you are (or aren't) celebrating, and whoever you are (or aren't) with...
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