New religio-cultural experiences - number 1 in an occasional series

Dec 22, 2008 22:14

Yesterday involved a new and interesting experience: Siroswold's wedding to his very own fair lady.

First amusement of the day was that, despite a complete absence of conferring, Vampadvocate, Alobear and I all turned up in the same colour of dress - and, no, it wasn't black!

The ceremony itself was certainly an experience, as I've never been in a synagogue, much less seen a Jewish wedding. The subsequent dinner and dancing was also different: a lot more energy and enthusiasm in the dancing than at your standard Brit wedding (whether Christian or non-religious), and dancing between each course, which makes a lot of sense.Also rather good was the father of the bride's speech, which he kept short and followed up by murdering a song from 'Fiddler on the Roof' (but it was dead sweet).

Sadly, I didn't dance, as men and women were segregated for that part and I didn't know anyone who was dancing on the girls' side. Still, the food was yummy and A and Nezumi-Sama certainly seemed to be having fun with the dancing.

I've no idea whether Sir Oswold and Lady Judith are off on honeymoon by now, but if you're reading, mazel tov!

Today's 'Helping You Back to Work' interview was pretty painless - once I explained the situation, the guy made some reference to 'going through the motions', changed one thing on my 'Job Search agreement' and printed out the new version for me to sign.

Here's hoping tomorrow's Occupational Health doctor's visit is equally straightforward...


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