Awoken by the smell of burning

Jan 08, 2011 01:11

Don't worry, nothing's on fire. It's 1am and I'll be up for the rest of the night because I woke up with a phantom smell of something burning. This happens to me occasionally. I've mentioned it to a few people, but tonight for some reason I decided to proclaim it to the cyber-world. I guess I'm hoping someone will respond with "hey this happens to me too" or "rush to the doctor, you have a brain tumor". No, please do not say that second one because I won't go, you can't make me, and I don't want to argue with anyone right now. Anyway, I'm never dreaming of anything being on fire. The smell is usually scorched, but tonight there was definitely more of a woodsy sweet pine. It would have been pleasant if it wasn't so terrifying. When this happens I sit bolt upright in bed, It is so real, I can still smell it when I'm awake. I sniff deeply several times, knowing as I'm sniffing that it isn't real but I have to get up out of bed just to be sure.  So here I am, it's a nice quiet time in the house, a light snow is falling outside, clock softly ticking across the room. I'll read through some of my favorite thrifty home decorating blogs, and drift off to sleep about an hour before everyone else starts to wake up.
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