The Dresden Files - One shot "Tenderly (?)"

Dec 07, 2010 01:22

Thank you so much to all the lovely people for the birthday wishes and v-gifts and lovely messages. I love you all! THANK YOU! *hugs and kisses for everybody!*

I have a lot of catching up to do here on lj, wow! But for the moment I'll leave you a little something. Consider it a virtual piece of the birthday cake :D

This is unbeta-ed and it's just me trying to get my mind off my finals for a second.

Title: Tenderly (?) -> Not so sure about it, what do you think?
Fandom: The Dresden Files (books)
Pairing: Harry/Murphy
Spoilers: Changes and Aftermath
Rating: PG-13

In a storm of lighting and power she had him in front of her eyes again. Alive, after 7 long months when she'd hoped and prayed for his safety, for him getting back to them, for the chance to see him one more time. And there he was, Harry Dresden, her partner, her friend, her... her what, exactly? Her everything. That was what came to her mind in the second she saw him standing just 10 feet away from her. The lighting show finished and he went tumbling down to the floor. she didn't waste a moment and ran to his aid. He was unconcious and he wasn't breathing. Oh, god. Oh, god. She heard herself thinking. She started CPR inmediately, she was not going to lose him again. No. That time on the boat, she hadn't been on time, she couldn't do anything except try to hold on to barely there hope and guilt. So much guilt. She had the chance now, to help him, to prevent him from going away again.

She covered his mouth with hers. Oh, this was not the way she had wanted to feel his lips again. She started compressions and repeated the process one time, then another, then another.

"Please, no. Please, Harry. Don't do this again. Please!" She was saying, her voice sounding so desperate. She didn't remember ever hearing her own voice like that, she just remembered hearing that tone from widows and other relatives from the victims of the most horrendous cases she have had to deal with in the police.

But he listened apparently, and he started to cough and opened those big, brown, puppy eyes.

"Oh, thank god! Thank god!" She said while she slid one hard underneath his head, craddling it close, while she leaned down to rest her forehead against his.

"Heya, Murph." He said weakly.

"Heya, dumbass."

"Oh, I missed you too." I said, after what looked like a painful chuckle.

"I warned you once, Dresden. You have to stop doing this! Are you trying to piss me off?"

"I live for it!" He joked. We were bantering, typical of us. That had to be a good sign.

"You have any idea what you've put me throuhg?"

"I know, I know. I'm a selfish bastard." He said and kept smiling up at me.

"You really are. You left me doing all of your work! Jerk!" I replied between a laugh and a sob. I was really trying not to break down but I could feel the tears coming.

"Promise I'll try not to do it again, Murph. And, maybe I'll pay you for once." His smile widened and he reached up to touch the side of my cheek. His hand felt so cold.

"You better!" I answered and this time I did laugh fully and then buried my face in the crook of his neck for a second, breathed him in and then pulled away.

"How are you feeling? Are you ok? Can you sit up?"

"I think I'm ok." He said while sitting up. I tried to help him as much as I could. He's really heavy. And just then, we both noticed he was stark naked. I blushed pink, he blushed even red. This was not how it was supposed to go. I mean, nakedness was not in the cards for us, or maybe there was, but only after some drinks. The drinks we never had. Damn, this was not the time to be thinking sexy thougths!

"I'll bring you something." I said, got up and went to my car, where I always keep a blanket just in case of an emergency. I came back to him on the floor and wrapped it around him, rubbing his shoulders, back and forearms over it. It was such a cold night. I was trying to be pragmatic, provide the poor naked man some warm and confort in one of the coldest nights of this season, it's what you do, right? But he was Harry, my Harry, and soon I realised every rub was becoming a caress. And maybe it was more about reasuring myself that he was really here, that I could touch him again.

I noticed he was looking at me and didn't seem to care too much about the cold really. I dared to look back into his eyes for a second. I saw so much tenderness there, affection and gratefulness. Iit made my heart swell with so many emotions. I felt him take my hand after I ran it through his dark hair a last time. He took it to his lips and kissed it, very softly. My eyes watered then, I couldn't contained the tears any more.

"I'm taking you home with me, ok?" I asked in a waivering voice. He leaned over then, still holding my hand tightly in his until our foreheads were touching again. Very gently, he started rubbing my nose with his in a little eskimo kiss.

"Ok, Karrin."

char: karrin murphy, char: harry dresden

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