Series Fic: Outside (Part Two) (Lisa/Cormac)

Jul 22, 2009 15:48

Story Header: Why Lisa Turpin never told Cormac McLaggen she loved him… and what happened when he found out anyway

Title: Outside (Part Two)
Genre: Gen (at the moment)
Claim: Harry Potter/Ravenclaws (46 - Pine) at 100_colours (and xposted at 1000ways_claw
Pairing/Characters: Lisa Turpin (Ravenclaw), Cormac McLaggen (Gryffindor)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 689
Warnings: Eek! Mother Nature!
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.

Part One: The List can be found here

Sometimes helping a friend no help at all...

She asked him to go on a walk. It wasn’t something they often did together, neither of them being especially fond of nature. Normally, he sat with her while she did her homework and a good majority of his. It wasn’t that Cormac couldn’t do his homework or didn’t understand the concepts that most of the papers were about. It boiled down to the fact that Lisa had once heard Hermione telling Ron Weasley that she wasn’t going to do his homework for him because he needed to do it for himself. This was Lisa’s own way of being the exact opposite of her nemesis.

So to be outside, walking to the edge the woods she’d seen from the Ravenclaw tower but had never even thought about visiting, was a new experience. Luckily she’d thrown on the trainers her sister had made her purchase two summers ago. They were still very white, almost pearlescent on this cloudy, gray day, and they pinched her feet in a way that her normal ballet flats never did. She was doing this for love, she reminded herself. And a little bit for lust. Okay, a lot for lust.

Cormac, as always, was a good sport about the idea. “Look at those pine trees, Leese. The way they’re twined together like that makes them look like a Quidditch goal. Wouldn’t it be wicked to go get our brooms and try it out? I bet you couldn’t get anything past me?”

“I’m not so sure about that,” she muttered but thought better of it. Better that he never know he was being dense. “How many days until the tryouts again?” She hoped the number was below twenty because she was getting tired of hearing about Quidditch. Yes, he was good at the game. One of the very things that she loved about him was his athletic ability. It was something she hoped carried over into… other areas. But the endless speculation about Hermione’s reaction to his talent was growing tiresome. Obsession was nothing new for Cormac because he either did things whole-heartedly or not at all. So why couldn’t he become obsessed with her?

And it was strange that he was suddenly fired up about getting on the Gryffindor team this year. Granted, there had never been much of an opening, considering the talent his House seemed to hold onto over the last five years. It suddenly had become very important for him to get a place on the team, to become a star in a House full of sudden over-achievers vying for a place amoung Those Who Stand Out. Those were his own words. It even appeared as if there might just be an actual list, a feat she highly approved of. Lists were her favorite thing to compile.

When Cormac didn’t answer, Lisa turned to look at him. He had a very odd expression on his face, as if he’d just eaten kumquats and wasn’t quite sure what he thought of the fruit. A sudden fear overwhelmed her. What if he’d just been hexed and couldn’t tell her? That would explain his sudden halt, as well.

“What is it? Do I need to go get help?”

He shook his head but the fact that he could move didn’t make her feel better. She’d always promised herself that she would keep her wits about her if the situation ever got dangerous but it was impossible not to feel dread in the pit of her stomach. The hand she stretched out to him was shaking so badly she wondered if she might have palsy instead of just an attack of nerves.

“What?” she asked again.

“It just dawned on me….” He grew quiet but his expression was still a cross between awe and utter revulsion.

Perhaps he’s realized that I’m jealous, she thought before immediately reminding herself that she wasn’t jealous. Not much, anyway. Not enough that he should notice.

“I think I finally know how I can make her notice me.” Without saying anything else, Cormac turned around and left her standing all alone among the trees that she didn’t find interesting at all.

graph fic, 2009, lisa/cormac, ravenclaw, gryffindor

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