Let me get this straight...

Jul 21, 2009 00:15

I got bored this weekend.

What happens when I get bored?

I go looking for things.

Other than finding some new music (some Vitamin String Quartet mostly but some other stuff here and there) and some new icons/pics (mostly of Hayley Williams who is my inspiration for my GinnyBigBang fic), I also found some new communities. And I joined. And I picked up some new prompt tables. Three new prompt tables to be exact. Which brings my total to like 6 right now. Only two of them connect.

*counts them off on fingers*
1. 100quills (Mari/Greg... which I have a new idea for that will get me some more drabbles and less intense storyline).
2. 100_colours (Ravenclaws of all shapes and sizes).
3. 100heroesfics (Elle Bishop because I do love a girl with a knack for setting things on fire using just her hands).
4. rarepair_shorts (Kingsley/Dorcas because Aster told me to write more K/D while she was away).
5. 25fluffyfics (Viktor Krum which has turned into Viktor/Charlie because gosh darn it I want to write Charlie but Tonks depresses me even still and I want to know why Charlie has no children on the list so...).
6. ginnybigbang (20,000 words of Ginny wonderment that isn't due until like Christmas).
Oh! 7. gen_ficathon which is due the first part of August so I better get writing!
And I found one more that I've had for awhile and keep forgetting about... 8. 15_pairings (Harry Potter - just need 15 different pairings).

*looks around with wide, frightened eyes*

*whispers* I've been here before. It's not pretty. RUN! SAVE YOURSELF! The drabbles will just start FLYING off the walls and whatever hard surface they can find.

*sighs* But it'll be okay.

And in other funny news, my dog is snoring right now. She snores like a person might with little sighs. It's very cute. It also means that I should be in bed. EEK!

ETA: In other random news... THERE IS SOMEONE ELSE OUT THERE WRITING ZACH/MEGAN! Isn't that a riot? I thought it would only ever be me! I haven't actually read it yet but I saw it listed at rarepair_shorts. Wow! Wonders will never cease! And very cool!
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