Drabble: All's Fair

Jul 17, 2009 22:12

Title: All's Fair
Author: abzurd
Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt/Dorcas Meadows
Prompt: Teeth at hp_humpdrabbles (this will be posted on July 22 so if you want to play, there's still time!) xposted at first_order
Rating: R
Word Count: 200

It took some doing but she finally got his last shirt button undone. The rules for tonight’s entertainment were simple: no using your hands and no leaving visible marks. While she’d comply with the first, Dorcas knew she’d have trouble with the second. She was a biter. Usually Kingsley didn’t mind the bruising but there was a meeting tomorrow with Dumbledore.

As an experiment, she gave his stomach a small nip.

"Ow! No biting, Mouse."

She looked up through thick lashes, a smoldering gaze accompanied by a devilish smile. "You never said there couldn’t be bruising in covered places."

As she soothed the mark with a quick lick of her tongue, he relented. "No biting my arm."

That ridge of muscle was her favorite. When he levered himself over her with one hand, the other busy making her scream, she loved smoothing her hand up and down over the corded arm. His strength was her addiction. It would be hard to hold back but she’d just have to find other places to torment.

Dorcas licked her lips. "Shall we see about getting these trousers off you? I look forward to the challenge. And nothing will be visible down here."

2009, first order, hp_humpdrabbles

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