Seriel Fic: The List (Lisa/Cormac... someday)

Jul 17, 2009 09:39

I realized I really needed to start working on this list of prompts since I asked for this claim in APRIL. While I knew I wanted to set Lisa up with someone new, I didn't know who that someone was until I saw the HP movie on Wednesday. Who doesn't just love Cormac? *grins* And what a perfect foil for an intelligent Ravenclaw!

Story Header: Why Lisa Turpin never told Cormac McLaggen she loved him… and what happened when he found out anyway
Title: The List
Genre: Gen (at the moment)
Claim: Harry Potter/Ravenclaws (1 - Red) at 100_colours (and xposted at 1000ways_claw)
Pairing/Characters: Lisa Turpin (Ravenclaw), Cormac McLaggen (Gryffindor)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 882
Warnings: Excessive Alphabetical Lists
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.

Summary: Lisa has spent so many years infatuated with Cormac but he still doesn't know ...and she has no idea how to make him stop talking about Hermione Granger...

Keeping a firm grasp on her anger was growing difficult as Lisa listened to Cormac tell her ad nauseum all the charms of Hermione Granger. It was almost possible to put the list in alphabetical order, a grouping she’d been attempting to put together for the last twenty minutes as her friend grew increasingly more verbose.

A - Adroit mind. He’d actually said that. She wouldn’t have thought he even knew the word existed but his adoration of his fellow Gryffindor had given his vocabulary a boost. Suddenly she had a probable culprit of the lost of her favorite dictionary over this last summer. If she hit him over the head with the heavy tome, would he suddenly lose this fixation? Very tempting but she’d keep the physical violence for later.

B - Big hair. A lack of beauty skills actually made his list as if he thought every girl should have a frizzy mess on top of her head. Lisa had wanted to scream as he’d recounted a story about a moment in the library when he’d watched her hair bob over the top of her book like a drunken chicken. What made it gorgeous, she wondered, for a girl to neglect the first skills every girl learned as soon as they got their wand?

C - Crimson scarf. She had dropped her red and gold House scarf once. He had picked it up. She thanked him. He never stopped talking about that one moment in their Second Year. They were Sixth Years. It was time to come up with a new impetus for a crush.

D - Dragon’s blood. That was where the list broke down. She still wasn’t sure what dragon’s blood had to do with Hermione Granger but she’s put it on the list because he’d talked for fifteen minutes on the subject. Considering most Ravenclaws had learned about the list of uses in their Third Year, she wondered if the Gryffindors were just now getting that lesson. Pity, considering it was a question on the O.W.L. levels.

E - Eats Toast With Just Butter. So the girl had breakfast every morning without fail. Lisa preferred her toast with the tiniest bit of orange marmalade. She wondered if Cormac even knew that. With a sigh, she thought about changing her eating habits but decided against it. This conversation was already making her irritable. Throw a change in what she ate and it might be a scary situation.

F - Fond of Books. So was she! In fact, she had read more books from the library than Hermione. She checked with the official records. It had become her obsession last year to try to outdo the bookish Gryffindor and she had succeeded! The irony burned up her gut, making her wish she had some of that toast right about now.

G - Gullible (not). This wasn’t really an entry Cormac had made. She included it because Cormac had recently tried letting Hermione know of his infatuation and she wasn’t falling for any of his tactics. In fact, she might start a list of all the things Cormac was. This would have to be top of the list no matter that it didn’t start with an A. But this was the sticking point where she could go no further. Just getting this far made her want to skin Hermione Granger alive and flutter the pelt from the top of the Astronomy Tower.

Had she really just had that thought? But she was a pacifist! If there was one person that inspired violence in her heart, it was Hermione Granger. Nothing that the girl had done, of course. But Cormac had been her best friend since they were three. Their mothers had met at a Obscurus book sale while pregnant and had continued a friendship through their deliveries and well into their childrens’ first years at Hogwarts. One day near their shared third birthday party, a fact both children hated, Lisa had hit Cormac. Normally he would have cried and run to his mother but on this day he’d hit her back. It was that moment that she decided she loved Cormac McClaggen.

Perhaps, if she had been sorted in Gryffindor or he had been sorted into Ravenclaw, they might have hooked up before his sudden fixation. It wasn’t something she dwelt on for long, though. She couldn’t imagine not being a Ravenclaw. The Common Room felt more like home than her actual home. Yes, her mother and father loved to read but their book collections were mainly fictional accounts of men and women who fell in love thanks to one perfect moment in time. She’d read some of them. They weren’t realistic at all. While some people might have found them entertaining, Lisa just found them depressing.

If her life was a romance, this would be the turning point in the story. Cormac would turn to her with a sudden dawning, sweeping her into his arms for a kiss that would make the snogging withTerry after the Yule Ball look like casual hug between two acquaintances.

No such luck, of course. Her life was so much more complicated than it should have been. With a sigh, she went back to the list. Perhaps she would find something on it that she could use for her own seduction.

Part Two: Outside can be found here

graph fic, 2009, lisa/cormac, ravenclaw, gryffindor

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