Started thinking about what fandoms I can write these days

May 17, 2009 18:40

I'm taking stock in the fandoms I can write about these days. Harry Potter, of course. I can write Twilight, I'm sure. It's pretty much the same sort of thing that I write for HP with different names and descriptions of course but... still pretty much the same.

There's also Heroes, Castle and Dollhouse, although I'm tentative about writing Eliza Dushku just because people get so obsessed with her. I'm looking forward to Glee this summer because that looks like it'll be stock full of interesting people and situations.

Can still write Buffy. Might be able to pull out an Angel but I really need to see more of that show. Ah, but there's always pretty David Boreanaz on Bones which is a show I can pull out when needed. Thought some Dr. Horrible sounded interesting. Also some NPH love with How I Met Your Mother! Barney and Robin FOR-EV-ER!

The new Star Trek screams for fanfic since that fandom is the ORIGINAL fandom that ficcers wrote for. Uhura and Spock! Mmmmm.... that just screams FUN to me. And then Kirk/anyone and everyone!

Am wanting to dive into the world of Terminator this summer. It's not a movie series that I ever paid much attention to but I've enjoyed the couple of The Sarah Connor Chronicles that I've watched and I would like to see the movie. Can also still write Doctor Who even though I'm a season behind. Will have to work on getting caught up.

Speaking of movies... Channing Tatum in G.I. Joe this summer! Be still my beating heart. Always secretly wanted to get more into G.I. Joe but didn't really know where to start. I will start with Channing Tatum! Yes, I will!

Now to find suitable "multi-fandom" icons that I can utilize!

2009, fandom rundown

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