Drabble: Visit to Greenhouse Three

May 17, 2009 17:57

Title: Visit to Greenhouse Three
Characters: Draco/Neville
Prompt: dig at Harry Potter Uncanon Drabble-A-Thon
Word Count: 195

"I've come to see how Scorpius is doing."

Neville didn't flinch as the imperious voice filled Greenhouse Three. Instead, he kept digging in the mallowsweet patch as if there had been no interruption. "You won't find him here, Malfoy. Your boy seldom comes down from the Astronomy Tower if he can help it. The gardens don't interest him."

The door shut and a lock clicked into place. "Good. Than I won't have to worry about explaining myself."

"I could do with an explanation."

The thin hand that caressed down his back was much as he remembered it, causing a shiver of remembrance. "And you shall have it. After I've reminded you how much you've missed me."

"I haven't missed you." Neville bit back a moan. It was never wise to let on how he counted the hours between each visit. Draco was, after all, a dotting father who paid Hogwarts regular visits. "You're eager tonight. Have you missed me?"

That earned him a nip of sharp teeth on his shoulder blade. Neville didn't think he'd get an answer until, almost too soft to make out, he heard, "Every moment I'm away."

2009, slytherin, challenge, hufflepuff

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