Drabble: Walk On By/Don't Walk On By

May 16, 2009 15:12

Title: Walk On By
Characters: Ginny, Luna
Word Count: 168
Prompt: warning signs at Harry Potter Uncanon Drabble-A-Thon

"Have you heard from your parents recently?"

Ginny was taken aback by Luna's question. She was getting tired of the constant inquiry about Hermione and her brother, but most of all, about Harry. No, she hadn't heard from Harry. It was too dangerous to even think of getting a message inside Hogwarts these days but still people thought he might have tried. No one eve cared what her parents might say to her.

"Last week."

"It's nice that they let you know how they're doing." There was loneliness in Luna's voice that Ginny wasn't sure she could deal with right now. The warning signs were all there. If she wasn't careful, she'd be stuck listening as yet another friend unloaded their cares and worries onto her already stooped shoulders, wanting her to give them hope in a world turned upside down.

But, instead, Luna continued down the corridor as if she hadn't stopped at all. Even if the world had changed so drastically, Luna would always be the same.


(And then I got thinking that this wasn't really a PAIRING drabble so I rewrote it)
Title: Don't Walk On By
Characters: Ginny/Luna
Word Count: 200

"Have you heard from your parents recently?"

Ginny was taken aback by Luna's question. She was getting tired of the constant inquiry about Hermione and her brother, but most of all, about Harry. No, she hadn't heard from Harry. It was too dangerous to even think of getting a message inside Hogwarts these days but still people thought he might have tried. Was this just another warning sign that she would have to listen as yet another friend unloaded their cares and worries on her already stooped shoulders.

"Last week."

"It's nice that they're able to write." There was loneliness in Luna's voice but it offered just as much as it took. Instead of walking away, Luna reached out to touch Ginny's arm. The simple pressure swamped Ginny's senses with a dose of comfort she hadn't felt since Bill's wedding. More than anything, she missed being touched as if she was special.

"I miss them." It was hard to keep longing out of her voice.

"You aren't alone," Luna whispered, her eyes offering something more than commiseration. More, even, than comfort.

Ginny stepped into the embrace, yearning for a respite from the pressure. "Thank you."

2009, challenge, !fanfic, weasley, gryffindor

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