Drabble: Point by Point

May 16, 2009 11:04

Title: Point By Point
Characters: Ginny/Blaise
Word Count: 193
Prompt: a game is a product of boredom at Harry Potter Uncanon Drabble-A-Thon

"First goal gets first choice." Blaise glanced at the intense girl out of the corner of his eye. The same rules applied each time they met - no one talked about anything other than what was happening on the Quidditch pitch and each goal meant the loser lost a piece of clothing. As a stress reliever, it was unparalleled as far as he was concerned.

"Just fly already."

"Something wrong, little girl?"

The way she flipped her hair over her shoulder told him how much she appreciated the term. "If it's conversation you crave, I'm sure you can find some other girl to fawn over your wit. I've got better things to do."

"No, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't be here, now would-" Her broom caught him behind the knees, knocking him flat. "Hey!"

"Fly, Zabini. Or go back to your lair."

Knowing she'd wouldn't play as well when she was off-kilter, he unbuttoned his shirt. "I'm feeling so good today, I'll spot you a point."

She knelt down beside him, a smile tugging at her lips. "That's not very fair. I better even it up again."

2009, slytherin, challenge, !fanfic, gryffindor

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