Drabble: Greenhouse Meeting

May 14, 2009 00:42

My second entry this week to hp_humpdrabbles. A different sort of pairing but one I like.

Title: Greenhouse Meeting
Author: abzurd
Characters: Megan Jones/Ginny Weasley
Word Count: 442
Rating: PG-13

Megan fixated instantly on the bronze freckles spread across Ginny’s cheeks. In the light streaming through the greenhouse windows, they tantalized her with the promise of the warm skin they covered. There were several on her neck visible when she turned her head, begging for their share of the attention. For the girl to show up now, just when the daydreams were intensifying was like a cruel joke.


A weakness in her knees caused Megan to sag against a nearby bench. There was only enough strength in her body to lift her gaze to meet expectant brown eyes.

“I hope you didn’t think me too forward to ask you out here tonight.” Too forward? No. Deliciously within reach. “Professor Sprout thought you might be able to help me.” That woman was going to get a gift basket for Yule, no doubt about it. “Do you have time to spare?”

Ginny shrugged off her cardigan to reveal a thin camisole. “It certainly is warm in here.”

“The sun,” Megan croaked, wishing she could think up something to say that would make the other girl hot enough to start taking off other pieces of clothing.

Spots of color highlighted the freckles. “Yes, I suppose that was rather daft. It’s just… I’m nervous.”

“Are you?” Athena help her, the girl was blushing even more now that Megan didn’t sound like a frog. “Don’t be. I’m surprised Sprout brought my name up. She thinks I’m rubbish.”

Ginny cleared her throat, folding her arms across her superb breasts. It was almost a shame to break down her defenses but Megan couldn’t go slowly. Not with the promise of those freckles looming over her.

“I suppose it’s lonely for you this year. Neville is a nice enough boy but he can’t take the place of your brother. I don’t see you with anyone else.”

“I am lonely.” A tear formed in the corner of her eye.

The kiss was chaste, a test of the desire simmering in Ginny’s eyes. When she didn’t back away, Megan put a hand on her shoulder while deepening the pressure of her lips. A thrill went through her as Ginny parted her lips just the tiniest bit. Not wanting to scare her, Megan pulled back. Sure enough, there was a battle going on in Ginny’s gaze.

“I can give you what you need to get through this year. You aren’t alone, Ginny.” When she started to speak, Megan put a finger where her lips had been. She grew wet when the very tip of her tongue came out to touch it. “Let me be there for you. I want to do this.”

2009, challenge, hufflepuff, hp_humpdrabbles, gryffindor

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