Drabble: Lunch Date

May 13, 2009 22:58

If you like drabbles and you like your stories a little racy, check out hp_humpdrabbles! It's a new drabble community that I think you'll like. Here's my first submission for the first prompt. Now to figure out how to work these drabbles into my Ravenclaw prompt table...

Title: Lunch Date
Author Name: abzurd
Characters: Lisa Turpin/Wayne Hopkins
Word Count: 146
Rating: As close to PG-13 as I could get

Rumpled sheets covered the floorboards, sculpture created from a hasty passion. Lisa tightened a knot in the soft rope and stepped back to survey his predicament.

“Going to let me get back to work today, love?”

“Maybe I’ll send an owl telling them you’re sick. They can do without you this afternoon.” She lowered her lashes, watching her own finger as it traced over the freckles on her right breast. “Can’t they… Wayne?”

“Say my name like that again and I’ll come down with dragon pox.”

Her wandering finger traced down his arm. “And here I thought,” the fingers splayed out on his chest, “it was my body,” he shivered as she leaned over to reach the end of the trail, “you liked.”

Wayne would have bantered back but his thoughts scattered as her tongue started its own path. All he could manage was a groan.

2009, challenge, hufflepuff, hp_humpdrabbles, !fanfic, ravenclaw

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