February 4th is World Cancer Day

Feb 04, 2012 13:59

Today is World Cancer Day. Here is a link to a site where you can light a candle in memory of someone who has fought or in honor of someone who is fighting their battle with cancer.

Lighting my candle brought so many people to mind. This year, I lit one for my Uncle Howard who we lost in October. He was brave to the end. We will miss his laughter so much.

My grandmother, who won her battle against uterine cancer but lost to breast cancer. She was an inspiration to me when I was fighting my own battle. Chemo didn't take her hair but turned it back to the vibrant red of her youth. I always thought that was so cool.

My aunt, the first person I ever knew who had cancer. That was so long ago that they didn't understand about early detection and she lost before she could ever really start battling.

Lena, who has the coolest wig ever. I want to pull her into my arms every time I see her but I just smile and hope that it's enough of an encouragement.

All the little kids on the St. Baldrick's site who rip my heart apart every time I look at their pictures and read their stories. They go through so much that my own short battle with cancer feels like a sham. For them, I will keep moving forward though.

Claire, who brings me hope that maybe something so horrible can be turned into something good. Hooray for being able to go back to school to be a normal teenager!

Sonya, who just found out that she has leukemia at an age where the cure will kill her.

Tom, who seems to be winning the battle.

Ty, who has the coolest leg ever now. His smile lights up the room and I'm proud to know him. He's going to be an amazing adult because he's already the coolest kid on the block. I can't wait to say, "Yeah, I know that guy. He's cool." about adult Ty.

And so many others. I don't think I have any more tears today. I need to go drink more water so I'm not dehydrated from all the crying I've done while writing this post.

I am proud to say that I am a cancer survivor. Nearly seventeen years clean. I fought and won and I'll stand with anyone who has to do the same.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.


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