Pretties from all over

Feb 04, 2012 12:34

I've made new sig tags for Team Military.

and then one that is not so new but fairly newish...

And then I made this one when I was making some Captain America icons but I'm not sure if I'm going to use it for Team Poetry or Team Puffin:

And then these are the newest ones I've made for Team Poetry:

And then this one is the one that I'm using for Kilce's universe. I thought this might be Kilce but it's actually Rika.

I should make an icon of this one. I need a name for this 'verse. Hmmmm... thinking about making this the Streetlight People 'verse since that NaNo 2009 story will NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY because it's horrid. But I'm going to pilfer bits of it for this 'verse. And bits of the Keladra 'verse that I was playing around with. And bits from all over.
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